
Energy Efficient Scotland: equality impact assessment

The Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) has been undertaken to allow us to look at how this programme impacts on people and is an opportunity to promote equality.

Equality Impact Assessment

Policy Title

Energy Efficient Scotland which includes:

  • Setting of a Long Term Standard for domestic properties;
  • Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies ( LHEES);
  • Wider regulations on District and Communal Heating; and
  • Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing ( EESSH2) Consultation

Which national outcome does it contribute to?

Energy Efficient Scotland (the Programme) contributes to the Scottish Government's Greener and Healthier Strategic Objectives.

It impacts on the following National Outcomes:

  • We reduce the local and global environmental impact of our consumption and production;
  • We value and enjoy our built and natural environment and protect it and enhance it for future generations;
  • We live in well-designed, sustainable places where we are able to access the amenities and services we need;
  • We live longer, healthier lives; and
  • We have tackled the significant inequalities in Scottish Society

What is the purpose of the policy?

The Programme is ambitious and aims to help transform our built environment, cutting its emissions and making it easier and cheaper to heat by improving the energy performance of buildings. The Programme is a priority for the Scottish Government and reaffirms energy efficiency as a National Infrastructure Priority. The Programme will be an integration of support for domestic and non-domestic buildings across Scotland, to improve their energy efficiency rating over a 20-year period. It will build on existing successful area-based energy efficiency programmes such as Home Energy Efficiency Programme Scotland: Area Based Schemes ( HEEPS: ABS) and will continue to provide support to households suffering from fuel poverty. It will build on the progress already made by social landlords to achieve the first EESSH milestone for all social houses to achieve EPC energy efficiency rating C or D by 2020. It will also seek private investment into improving energy efficiency to support and develop loan schemes to enable households and businesses who can afford to pay to spread the upfront cost of investing.

Name of Branch/Division

Energy Efficient Scotland

Lead EQIA official

Trudi Packman


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