Energy Efficient Scotland: strategic environmental assessment

This Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) investigates the likely significant effects on the environment by the implementation of the Energy Efficient Scotland programme.

8 Proposals for Monitoring

8.1.1 The importance of monitoring is set out in the Routemap where it is made clear that to ensure we are on track to achieve the Programme vision, aims and objectives we will be monitoring and evaluating the programme throughout its lifetime which will allow us to adapt and flex the programme where necessary. As well as looking at outputs we will be monitoring and measuring outcomes, capturing the impact the programme has on people and communities.

8.1.2 We will be publishing a monitoring and evaluation framework by April 2020 which sets out:

  • A comprehensive framework covering both the domestic and non-domestic sectors;
  • A range of output and outcome indicators to inform an annual statement of progress, taking account of the Climate Change Plan monitoring framework, monitoring and evaluation requirements for Fuel Poverty as set out in the Fuel Poverty Bill and other appropriate policies; and
  • A commitment to regular, multi-year review (anticipated to be every 4 years) and evaluation of the programme, aligned where appropriate with reporting processes for key policy areas such as Fuel Poverty and the Climate Change Plan. This will include the commissioning of external evaluation of key elements of the Programme at key points across the 20 year period.

8.1.3 As part of this work we will be reviewing the available data, identifying where any gaps exist and where we can draw on existing evidence, ensuring we have the most accurate possible baseline for our domestic and non-domestic building stock. We are committed to working with relevant bodies to collect good quality data to support the monitoring of the programme. We will also be engaging with stakeholders on the development of our monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure that it meets a range of needs.

8.1.4 In 2020 we will also publish a baseline setting out the state of the stock against which we will track improvements over the duration of the Programme.

8.1.5 A wide range of existing programmes are also in place at the national and local level aim to monitor environmental status and assess performance against established environmental indicators; many of which may help to inform the monitoring and evaluation work outlined above and this environmental assessment. The Key Scottish Environment Statistics 2016 Report provides information on a wide range of environmental topics and indicators, including indicators for GHG emissions and climate, air quality, land use, water, waste and biodiversity. It also includes key datasets on the state of the environment in Scotland, with an emphasis on the trends over time where possible [54] .

8.1.6 Recommendations on the setting of annual targets and annual monitoring and reporting of Scotland's overall GHG emission abatement is undertaken by the Committee on Climate Change [55] . This process involves reporting emissions trends and performance against these targets at both the sectoral and national levels.

8.1.7 Changes to national levels of biodiversity are also monitored, with a focus on the status of valued and designated biodiversity features, for example, Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protected Areas [56] . Additionally, the monitoring and reporting of air quality currently takes place at 95 sites located in urban areas throughout Scotland [57] , and key performance indicators from the development of the Cleaner Air for Scotland: The Road to a Healthier Future [58] are also monitored. Many of these programmes will also help to identify effects arising from the delivery of the Programme and its projects which have been covered in this assessment.


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