
Energy Efficient Scotland user guide: households experiencing fuel poverty

This guide is intended to help stakeholders assisting those experiencing fuel poverty to understand Energy Efficient Scotland.

Download the full user guide.

This guide is intended to help stakeholders assisting those experiencing fuel poverty understand Energy Efficient Scotland, how to get involved in our consultation and the steps householders can take to improve the energy efficiency of their property. We want your opinion and encourage you to take part in the consultation by submitting your response through the Scottish Government's Citizen Space using the link at the bottom of this page.

What is Energy Efficient Scotland?

Energy Efficient Scotland is the Scottish Government's energy efficiency improvement programme. It will run over the next 20 years and remove poor energy efficiency as a driver of fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions. Energy Efficient Scotland will ensure that our homes and buildings are warmer, greener and more efficient. To do so, the Programme will put in place a framework of standards for energy efficiency, based on Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), and make available a range of support, including advice and financial assistance.

What does Energy Efficient Scotland mean for households experiencing fuel poverty?

Energy Efficient Scotland aims to eliminate poor energy efficiency as a driver of fuel poverty. We have recently consulted on a new fuel poverty strategy, including a new definition of fuel poverty and statutory and non-statutory targets. Responses to the consultation have been analysed and informed the development of our draft Fuel Poverty Strategy, which will be published shortly; and the associated Fuel Poverty (Scotland) Bill, which will be introduced to Parliament this summer.

Energy Efficient Scotland proposes a target that, by 2040, all homes in Scotland should have an EPC rating of C or above where technically feasible and cost effective. We are currently consulting on whether additional targets should be set for fuel poor households to reach the EPC C rating at the earlier date of 2030, and an EPC B by 2040 where technically feasible, cost effective and possible within limits affordable to the public purse.

What measures can fuel poor households take?

Measures which might improve the energy efficiency of a home include: loft insulation, efficient heating systems and wall insulation. Some of the benefits of improving a property's energy efficiency can include reduced fuel bills, a warmer home and a reduced incidence of condensation and dampness. You can see an example list of energy efficiency measures that could be installed in our Energy Efficient Scotland user guide: energy efficiency measures.

What support is available?

Advisors at Home Energy Scotland(0808 808 2282) offer free, impartial and expert advice on a range of issues including energy efficiency, renewable energy, available grant and loan funding, and other support. They can also provide free benefits checks to clients to ensure householders are receiving all the help and support they are entitled to, and can make onward referrals to Scottish Government programmes, local authority area based schemes and to CITRUS Energy for advice on switching energy tariffs. Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government's national fuel poverty scheme accessed via Home Energy Scotland, is specifically targeted at those experiencing fuel poverty and provides financial support for the installation of a range of energy efficiency measures such as a new gas boiler or improved insulation.

Download the full user guide below

EES - user guide - fuel poverty.pdf



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Scottish Government
Energy and Climate Change Directorate
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150 Broomielaw
G2 8LU

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