
Energy Statistics for Scotland - Q1 2024

Overview of key facts and trends relating to energy in Scotland for Q1 2024

As of the end of March 2024, there is 15.4 GW of operational capacity for renewable electricity generation in Scotland. This has increased from 4.4 GW capacity in 2010 with most of the growth in onshore wind energy.

Figure 2: Renewable Electricity capacity (March 2024)

As of the end of March 2024, there are 790 potential renewable energy projects, with a total estimated capacity of 46.8 GW, in the planning and construction pipeline:  284 projects with an estimated capacity of 24.8 GW are at the planning stage; 434 projects with an estimated capacity of 17.7 GW are awaiting construction and 72 projects with an estimated capacity of 4.2 GW are currently under construction.

Storage technologies in the form of batteries and pumped hydro storage have the largest estimated pipeline capacity (20.2 GW) followed by onshore wind (14.4 GW) and offshore wind (9.7 GW).

All pipeline capacities are estimated and final capacity is dependent on successful completion of projects and finding routes to market.

Figure 3:  Renewable electricity pipeline capacity by planning stage and technology (March 2024)


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