Energy Statistics for Scotland - Q2 2024

Overview of key facts and trends relating to energy in Scotland for Q2 2024

Energy Targets


Overall renewable energy target

This target presents Scotland’s renewable energy production as a percentage of Scotland’s energy consumption. Energy distribution is managed on a UK basis so energy production and consumption are not linked within each nation.


The rise in electricity generated from renewable sources in Scotland and the steady fall in energy consumption means that Scotland now generates the equivalent of nearly 29.5% of total final energy consumption from renewable sources.


Changes in the methodology for final energy consumption mean that the results for 2022 cannot be compared to previously published results.


Energy productivity

Energy productivity presents the value generated by Scotland’s products and services for every unit of energy consumed. The target for 2030 is expressed as a 30% increase from 2015.


From 2015 to 2022, Scotland’s gross value added (GVA) has increased from £132 bn to £167 bn and, over the same period, total final energy consumption has been reduced from 147,091 GWh to 139,923 GWh. This has resulted in a rise in energy productivity from 1.08 to 1.19 (£m GVA per GWh).

Figure 5: Progress towards energy targets


Sub-national total final energy consumption data - GOV.UK (

Energy Trends: December 2023, special feature article - Electricity generation and supply in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England, 2018 to 2022 - GOV.UK (

GDP Quarterly National Accounts: 2024 Quarter 1 (January to March) - (



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