
Engagement with the Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Programme: privacy notice

Privacy notice for the Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Programme (TRSWS).

This privacy notice explains your rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and UK General Data Protection Regulation (UKGDPR). It describes the personal data we collect about you (and why we need this information), who we share it with, how we store it and how we use it.

Personal data (which we will call ‘data’ throughout the rest of this notice) means any information that might identify you.

Who we are

We are the Trauma Responsive Social Work Services (TRSWS) Programme within the Children and Families Directorate of the Scottish Government. Our head office is located at Victoria Quay, The Shore, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ.

Email Address –

Personal information we collect and why we need it

We will be collecting the following data from you:

  • name
  • work email address
  • age category
  • gender
  • employer
  • job role
  • professional group
  • length of time in profession
  • service you work in
  • practice area

We will also be collecting additional information relating to your characteristics in the form of your ethnicity and health data in relation to your wellbeing at work. Ethnicity is required due to the evolving evidence base in how the impact of trauma can be different depending on an individuals ethnicity. Wellbeing questions are required to measure the impact of our programme over time. This information will not be shared outwith the TRSWS team, the procured evaluator.  Qualtrics survey tool will be used to capture this data.

We gather this data in order to communicate to you regarding training sessions you may be attending, and to issue requests to complete pre-course, post-course and follow up session evaluation forms.

A key part of our evaluation process will be the completion of baseline surveys, pre, post course and follow-up session questionnaires. The questions asked will relate specifically to the course content, knowledge, understanding, and practice skills relating to trauma informed practice within their organisation. We will use these completed forms to inform development of our course and follow- up process.

This information allows for the Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Programme to work with our programme evaluators to evaluate the process and impact of the support provided through the Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Programme.

We will use the information above and the completed surveys for evaluation purposes and to improve and develop the training content and delivery. We will also contact you to let you know of any changes to our privacy notice.

The TRSWS team will conduct a procurement exercise to appoint an independent evaluator. Once appointed, this privacy notice will be updated to advise individuals on who the contractor is. The evaluator will be contracted to Scottish Government and compliant with GDPR.

Our lawful basis

The lawful bases being relied on to use your data for the purpose of training session activity is Article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR is ‘processing is necessary to perform a task in the public interest or for your official functions. The lawful basis for processing is s9. of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968.

The lawful basis for collecting sensitive data is Article 9(2)(h) ‘Provision of social care’– Schedule 1 of Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 6. Statutory and government purposes.

What we do with your data and who we share it with

Individuals engaging with the TRSWS team through an implementation site will:

  • be asked to complete a workforce survey. This survey will be designed and distributed using Qualtrics, an experience management platform
  • be asked by their employer  to attend training events ran by the TRSWS team. Attendance will be confirmed at training by filling in the attendance register at the beginning of in-person training, or their work email address will be captured in online trainings. This information will be collated in an Excel spreadsheet held on Scottish Government secure servers
  • be asked to fill in polls and questionnaires through MS Forms/MS Teams (further information below) gathering information on their experience, behaviours and intentions, and also their feedback on training delivery and support being provided. This information will be stored in Microsoft servers.  A backup will be saved in Scottish Government secure servers and the information will be deleted from Microsoft servers once the form is no longer active

The data above will be with our procured external evaluator for the purpose of evaluating the process and impact of the TRSWS Programme.

Individual engaging with the TRSWS team directly may:

  • sign up to training shared through social work stakeholders either directly with the TRSWS team or through Eventbrite (further information below)
  • confirm attendance at training by filling in the attendance register at the beginning of in-person training or their work email address will be captured in online trainings
  • be asked to fill in polls and questionnaires through MS Forms/MS Teams (further information below) gathering information on their experience, behaviours and intentions, and also their feedback on training delivery and support being provided

The data above will not be shared outwith the TRSWS Team.

To ensure contingencies are in place in the event of issues using any of the systems above, we may ask individuals to complete an offline/ MS Forms copy of attendance, surveys or questionnaires. The team will manually input this information into the relevant system once available and destroy any offline/interim copies.

Qualtrics are an experience management platform commonly used for developing and administrating surveys. The surveys will be used to gather the personal and special category data covered in this Privacy Notice above for evaluation purposes. A survey link will be sent to local leads to issue to their workforce in scope of implementation and learning support. This link will take individuals to a survey to complete. This data will only be accessible on the Qualtrics system by the TRSWS team. This data will then be saved into the Scottish Governments secure filing system and will only be accessible to the TRSWS team and the procured evaluator. Information will be deleted on the Qualtrics server once it is no longer required be on their for evaluation purposes. Qualtrics are based in USA, however data will be held on cloud-based servers in the UK. Further information on how they use your data can be found at Privacy Statement - Qualtrics and Security Statement - Qualtrics.

Microsoft Forms and functionality within MS Teams may be used to gather training attendance, information on experiences, behaviours and intentions, and also seek feedback on training delivery and support being provided.  Some of this information will be stored on Microsoft servers initially. Data will be backed up to Scottish Government secure servers and will be removed from Microsoft servers once forms are no longer live. Microsoft are based in USA further information on how Microsoft use your data can be found at Microsoft Privacy Statement.

EventBrite may be used to register for some training. Training for the social work workforce may be advertised on EventBrite and shared through key stakeholders. Individuals will be asked to provide their work email addresses for communication purposes and their professional data to assess their eligibility for training (professional group, length of time since qualifying, employer etc.) One the training has concluded, all data will be deleted from the EventBrite platform. EventBrite are based in USA, further information on how they use your data can be found at Eventbrite Privacy Policy.

How we store your information and how long your data is kept

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Your data held by the Scottish Government will be managed effectively by the Trauma Responsive Social Work Service and stored in a secure location, and on secure IT systems on secure servers. Your data held by us will not be shared outside the UK

We will only keep your personal data for a period of 7 years from the date we receive it, after which time it will be destroyed. Any independent contractor involved in the collection, storage, and processing of data for evaluation purposes will also destroy this data when it is no longer required by TRSWS, or after a period of 7 years, whichever comes first.

Individuals can request for us to remove their details by contacting

Your rights

You have a right of access to any personal data we hold about you by making a Subject Access Request (SAR).

In addition, if you believe the data we hold is inaccurate or incomplete you can ask us to update our records by contacting

You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.

You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.

You have the right to object to the processing of your information in certain circumstances.

To find out more about the rights you have over your personal data, please visit the ICO website Your data matters | ICO


If you have concerns about the way we process and handle your personal information, in the first instance you should raise your concerns with our Data Protection Officer by email to

If you feel that your data has been collected or processed unlawfully, you have the right to raise a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office:

The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303 123 1113

You can also report any concerns online


Trauma Responsive Social Work Services

Scottish Government

May 2024

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