
Engaging and empowering communities and stakeholders in rural land use and land management in Scotland

Report on how best to assist rural communities to engage with decisions on land use and land management.

Annex 1 Terms and Acronyms

Acronyms used in this report


Bovine Tuberculosis


Co-ordinated Agenda for Marine, Environment and Rural Affairs Science


Convention on Biological Diversity


Forestry Commission Scotland

GAP 1 and GAP 2

Two phases of a project based on bridging the gap between science stakeholders and policy in a commercial fisheries context

GHG emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions


Non-governmental organisation


Royal Society for the Protection of Birds


Special Area of Conservation (for habitats)


Scottish Environment Protection Agency


Scottish Natural Heritage


Special Protection Area (for birds and their habitats)


Site of Special Scientific Interest


United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Glossary of Terms

Please note: the research team has provided these definitions to help with understanding of the report. They should not be taken as definitive or official definitions.

Agri - environment schemes

Government programmes set up to help farmers and landowners manage their land in an environmentally friendly way.

Scottish Land Fund

A fund set up by the Scottish Government in partnership with Big Lottery Fund and the Highlands and Islands Enterprise. It supports rural communities in becoming more resilient and sustainable through the ownership and/or management of land.

Community of place

A group of people who live in the same place and who network and interact in the interests of that place.

Community of interest / purpose

A group of people who share a common interest or purpose and who network and interact around a shared interest.

Consultation fatigue

When stakeholders lose interest and/or are cynical about taking part in consultations - usually because they have not seen their contribution valued or make a meaningful difference in the past.

Consensus Building

A designed process that enables parties with different views and values to collaborate, solve challenges and negotiate a mutually acceptable way forward. 'Consensus' does not mean that everyone agrees about everything to the same extent. A group is said to have reached consensus when after thorough exploration, the group has found a way forward that everyone is willing accept. For some that will be the best option and others will accept it because through in-depth deliberation no better alternative has been found.


Co-production is a reciprocal relationship between citizens, non-government organisations ( NGOs), and public bodies, which draws on the resources (such as time, effort, energy, information, know-how, innovations, skills and funds) of each to share in the design, development and delivery of agreed actions to result in shared benefits.


In depth and careful thought and discussion, considering information and weighting options in order to make a decision.

Ecosystem services

The benefits that result from nature and natural processes that humans use and enjoy for and include:

  • supporting services (nutrient cycling, soil formation, water cycles)
  • provisioning services (food, water, minerals, raw materials)
  • regulating services (climate regulation, waste decomposition, water purification, pest control)
  • cultural services (spiritual, recreation, wellbeing and recreational benefits)

Green infrastructure

A network of green spaces, green roofs and walls, streams and rivers that support natural processes and support human wellbeing.


Restoring an area of land to an uncultivated state where natural processes and habitats are able to develop. This may include reintroducing larger birds, fish and mammals that have been lost from the area.


Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.


Special Area of Conservation. An area designated to conserve special habitats that are important in a European context.

Silo mentality

When organisations or departments within organisations do not collaborate or even share information and knowledge.

Social capital

The sum of trust, reciprocity, understanding, established norms of behaviour, shared values, shared goals, connectedness and networks.

Social productivity

Productivity that results from the collaborative agreement of shared goals and the sharing of resources and assets to achieve those goals

Social learning

Process in which individuals observe the behaviour of others and its consequences, and modify their own behaviour accordingly.


Special Protection Area: An area designated to conserve birds and their habitats that are important in a European context.


Site of Special Scientific Interest: An area designated under national legislation to protect special habitats and species.

Statutory obligations

An obligation created under law to fulfil the intent of the law.


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