
Engaging and empowering communities and stakeholders in rural land use and land management in Scotland

Report on how best to assist rural communities to engage with decisions on land use and land management.

Annex 7 Supporting communities and stakeholders

Table 18: Ways of supporting communities and stakeholders when planning land use and land management

Approach No of projects that did this
(out of a total of 14)
Supporting their communication to and from their wider network 9
Providing plain language briefing, PowerPoint presentations, notes, and maps 6
Supporting them preparing their own data, maps and graphs in a professional way so they stand alongside other sources of information 5
Supporting development of the community/stakeholder group's social media or newsletters 3
Helping communities or stakeholders link with others with similar interests 3
Providing expenses to enable people to attend workshops 1
Providing a payment to enable people to attend ( e.g. for self-employed fishers, foresters or farmers or for care of dependents to free people to attend workshops) 1

Table 19: Ways of supporting communities and stakeholders at implementation stage

Forms of support No of projects that did this
(out of a total of 10)
Technical land management advice ( e.g. about habitats, animal husbandry, tree management, flood resilience) 5
Organisational development and capacity building ( e.g. developing sound governance, legal support, insurance, accountancy, staff recruitment and management) 4
Grants/funds to start up and get established 3
Help to fill in grant or funding applications 3
Operating funds 2
Loan of equipment 2
Long term lease of land 1
Help with planning applications ( e.g. for offices, stores or classrooms) 1
Practical and specialist land management ( e.g. using special equipment, vehicles or licences) 1
Training in practical land management skills 1
Help in the ability to sell goods or services ( e.g. business advice, establishing supply chains, marketing, selling, cash flow, tendering/bidding) 1
Office space 0
Sale of land 0


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