
Engaging and empowering communities and stakeholders in rural land use and land management in Scotland

Report on how best to assist rural communities to engage with decisions on land use and land management.


Executive Summary

1. The Scottish Government. (2015). Community Empowerment and Engagement. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

2. Adapted from Bovaird, T (2006) Commission for Rural Community Development - Beyond Engagement and participation, user and community co-production of services. Carnegie Trust


3. Wenger-Trayner, E. and Wenger-Trayner, B. (2015). Learning in Landscapes of Practice: A framework. Learning in landscapes of practice boundaries, identity and knowledgeability. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.

4. Rapport, J. (1984). Studies in empowerment: Introduction to the issue. Prevention in Human Services 3, 1-7.

5. Bailey, D. (1992). Using participatory research in community consortia development and evaluation: lessons from the beginning of a story. American Sociologist 23: 71-82.

6. The Scottish Government. (2015). Community Empowerment and Engagement. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

7. Bridges, W. (2009) Managing Transitions. De Capo Press pp 169.

Background and Context

1. Land Use Strategy 2016 - 2021. (2016). The Scottish Government. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

2. Convention on Biological Diversity. (2015). Ecosystem Approach. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

3. Aarhus, Denmark. (1998). Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

4. The European Parliament and of the Council. (2003). EU Participation Directive (2003/35/ EC). Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

5. The European Parliament and of the Council. (2000). EU Water Framework Directive 2000/60/ EC. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

6. The European Parliament and of the Council. (2001). Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive 2001/42/ EC. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

7. Council of Europe. (1996). Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy. Ministerial Conference "Environment for Europe" (Sofia, Bulgaria, 23-25 October 1995). 74 (1), p1-66.

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9. Scottish Government Website: Last accessed 26/02/2016

10. World Economic Forum. (2008). Water Security: The Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus. Available: Last accessed 5th Jan 2016.

Literature Review

1. Rowlands, J. (1995). Empowerment examined. Development in practice 5: 101-107.

2. Connick, S. and Innes, J.E. (2003) Outcomes of collaborative water policy making: Applying complexity thinking to evaluation. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 46, 177-197.

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9. Bovaird, T. (2006). Commission for Rural Community Development - Beyond Engagement and participation, user and community co-production of services. Carnegie Trust

10. Adapted from Bovaird, T (2006). Commission for Rural Community Development - Beyond Engagement and participation, user and community co-production of services. Carnegie Trust.

11. Pound, D. (2015). Designing and Facilitating consensus-building - Keys to Success. In: Redpath, S.M. Gutiérrez, R.J. Wood, K.A. & Young, J.C. Conflicts in Conservation. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. p240-253.

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53. Ibid.

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14. Pound, D. (2009). Adopting effective stakeholder engagement processes to deliver regional Marine Protected Area ( MPA) network. Natural England Commissioned Report, Number 008

15. Kenter, J. O., M. S. Reed, K. N. Irvine, E. O'Brien, E. Brady, R. Bryce, M. Christie, A. Church, N. Cooper, A. Davies, N. Hockley, I. Fazey, N. Jobstvogt, C. Molloy, J. Orchard-Webb, N. Ravenscroft, M. Ryan, and V. Watson. 2014. UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on. Work Package Report 6: Shared, Plural and Cultural Values of Ecosystems. UNEP- WCMC, LWEC, UK.


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22. Ibid

Annex 1

1. Scottish Government. (2011). Getting the best from our land - A land use strategy for Scotland. Available: Last accessed 10th February 2016.

2. Parliament. (2006). Planning etc. (Scotland) Act. Available: Last accessed 21/12/2015.

3. June 2013 Ministerial Announcement (See also One Million Acres by 2020 - Strategy report and recommendations from the 1 Million Acre Short Life Working Group. December 2015)

Annex 2

1. Forestry Commission Scotland. (2006). The Scottish Forestry Strategy. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

2. National Planning Framework 3. (2015) Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

3. National Forest Land Scheme ( NFLS). (2015). Forestry Commission Scotland. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

4. Outdoor Access - Scotland. (2015). Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

5. Woods In and Around Towns ( WIAT). (2015). Forestry Commission Scotland. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

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9. Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Framework. (2009). The Scottish Government. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015.

10. The Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act. (2009). The Scottish Government. Available: Last accessed 11/12/2015

Annex 4

1. Fazey, I. , et al. (2013) Knowledge Exchange: A review and research agenda for environmental management. Environmental Conservation 40: 19-36.

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15. Chambers, R. (1997) Whose Reality Counts?: Putting the First Last. ITDG Publishing.

16. Connick, S. and Innes, J.E. (2003) Outcomes of collaborative water policy making: Applying complexity thinking to evaluation. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 46, 177-197.

17. Kuper, M. , et al. (2009) Supporting the shift from state water to community water: Lessons from a social learning approach to designing joint irrigation projects in Morocco. Ecology & Society 14.

18. Pound, D. (2014) Training materials. Dialogue Matters.

19. Kenter, J.O. Reed, M.S. Irvine, K.N. O'Brien, E. Brady, E. Bryce, R. Christie, M. Church, A. Cooper, N. Davies, A. Hockley, N. Fazey, I. Jobstvogt, N. Molloy, C. Orchard- Webb, J. Ravenscroft, N. Ryan, M. Watson, V. (2014) UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on phase, technical report: Shared, Plural and Cultural Values of Ecosystems. UNEP- WCMC, Cambridge.

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Annex 10

1. Murdoch, J. (2000). Networks-a new paradigm of rural development?. Journal of rural studies, 16(4), 407-419.

2. Yuliani, E. L., Adnan, H. and Indriatmoko, Y. (2008). The Use of Appreciative Inquiry as a Tool for Enhancing Adaptive Capacity in Natural Resources Management. Cheltenham: IASC Conference.

3. Bandura, A. (2007). Impeding ecological sustainability through selective moral disengagement. Int. J. Innov. Sustain. Dev., 2, 8-35.

4. Sutton, R., Douglas, K. and Murphy, A. (2012). Engaging Communities in Climate Change and Adaptation Measures. A review of relevant psychological science. University of Kent: CC2150 InterReg Project.

5. Pound, D. (2015). Designing and Facilitating consensus-building - Keys to Success. In: Redpath, S.M. Gutiérrez, R.J. Wood, K.A. & Young, J.C. Conflicts in Conservation. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. p240-253.

6. Ibid


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