
Enhancing learning and teaching through the use of digital technology

National strategy to ensure all learners and educators are able to benefit from digital technology in their education.

A Message from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills

John Swinney Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills

Delivering excellence and equity in Scottish education is my clear focus as Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills. I am committed to ensuring that we do everything we can to raise levels of attainment, close the poverty related attainment gap and improve the life chances of all our children and young people.

Digital technology can make a significant contribution. Where our educators are supported through professional development, resources and leadership, digital technology can enrich learning and teaching, help to raise levels of attainment and close the attainment gap. The skilful deployment of digital technology in our schools and early learning settings will also ensure our learners develop a level of general and specialist digital skills that are so vital for learning, life and work in an increasingly digitised world. I want to unlock this potential - to the benefit of the individuals, Scottish economy and society as a whole.

The positive impact of digital technology is already felt within schools across Scotland. There are fantastic examples of innovative practice across all areas of Curriculum for Excellence. However, there is more to do to ensure that all our children and young people can benefit in this way.

The strategy sets out a comprehensive approach to deliver the increased effective use of digital technology in education and bring about the equity of opportunity that is the key focus for this government. It is structured around four key areas: the skills of our educators; access to technology; curriculum and assessment; and leadership.

In setting out a clear vision and action plan, this strategy will also clarify expectations around the use of digital technology in education. This forms part of my broader commitment to streamline guidance and minimise bureaucracy for education practitioners in Scotland.

The strategy also aligns with our approach to cyber resilience [1] , recognising the importance of ensuring that young people and schools capitalise on the benefits of using digital technology safely.

Of course, the successful delivery of this strategy requires a co-ordinated effort at all levels of the system. This strategy sets out a number of actions at a national level and expectations for local authorities and education establishments, implementation of which will be taken forward in line with the conclusions of the Scottish Government's Education Governance Review.

It is only by working together that we can realise the potential of digital technology for all of our children and young people.

John Swinney
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills

September 2016


Email: Russell Cockburn,

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