
Enhancing learning and teaching through the use of digital technology

National strategy to ensure all learners and educators are able to benefit from digital technology in their education.

Implementation of Action Plans

National Level Actions

The national level actions which are outlined in action plans under each objective, will be taken forward by the named delivery partner. In recognition of the number of actions outlined in the strategy and their close relationship to one another, overall implementation of the action plans and progress towards the four objectives will be monitored by the Digital Learning and Teaching Programme. This is a programme jointly led by Education Scotland and Scottish Government. It has been established since 2012 and in that time has worked closely with all delivery partners outlined in this document. As such the Programme is in a strong position to monitor progress towards the four key objectives.

Local Level Actions

Local authorities and individual education establishments are best positioned to know how digital technology can enrich education in their own local contexts. It will therefore be for local authorities and education establishments to decide how best to take forward the expectations outlined in this document. In taking forward these expectations, the Scottish Government and Education Scotland will continue to provide advice and support as and when needed.


Email: Russell Cockburn,

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