
Enhancing learning and teaching through the use of digital technology

National strategy to ensure all learners and educators are able to benefit from digital technology in their education.

Measuring Success

To redefine the role that digital technology plays in Scottish education is to achieve a cultural change. There is no one single indicator that will tell us if we have achieved that goal. The Scottish Government and Education Scotland will therefore work with delivery partners at a national level, local authorities, schools and early learning and childcare establishments to agree on appropriate indicators of success and a process for reviewing those indicators going forward.

The following indicators are likely to be of the kind that will help build a picture of success.

Indicator How it will help measure success
Glow usage Glow provides access to a range of digital tools and services that can enrich learning and teaching. An increase in the usage of Glow will indicate that more learners and educators are incorporating digital technology into education.
Qualitative data from school inspection reports When undertaking inspections, HM Inspectorate at Education Scotland look for the effective and appropriate use of digital technology. If inspection reports show an increase in the effective and appropriate use of digital technology then it will indicate that this strategy is having an impact.
Number of schools in Scotland undertaking and completing appropriate digital awards Awards and programmes such as Digital Schools Award Scotland and Microsoft's Showcase School status indicate that education establishments are embedding the use of digital technology within their learning and teaching.
Statistical publications Statistical publications such as the OECD's ICT familiarity questionnaire (which forms part of PISA) and the Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research can provide us with a picture of the uptake and impact of digital technology on education. Education Scotland and the Scottish Government will commit to ensuring that such statistical analysis contains a digital technology focus where appropriate.


Email: Russell Cockburn,

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