Enterprise and Skills Review: call for evidence

Call for evidence for the ‘end-to-end’ review of enterprise and skills services announced by First Minister on 25 May.

Annex C : Review Terms of Reference

Scotland's Economic Strategy sets an ambition to be in the top quartile of OECD countries for productivity and wellbeing. Achieving this objective will require a transformational step change in our performance across a range of outcomes. The economy is central to achieving this ambition and this review will bring forward recommendations for how we maximize our key economic interventions to achieve these goals.

The review and recommendations will focus on achieving three main aims:

1. Achieving the Government's ambition as set out in Scotland's Economic Strategy and National Performance Framework so that our outcomes in respect of innovation, investment (including human capital) and internationlisation lead to a step change in our economic performance and a more productive and inclusive economy.

2. Ensuring our economic and skills interventions are shaped by users' needs and the opportunities users can create as a result of these interventions. The review will address the requirements of an open, modern and advanced economy, including the diverse range of opportunities and challenges in Scotland, and how local and regional approaches that build on national and local assets and relationships can best exploit and tackle them.

3. Ensuring that delivery continuously reflects best practice in terms of achieving effective outcomes, driving improvement and optimising public value in the delivery, efficacy and effectiveness of our interventions, and ensuring that it is flexible and fits with the evolving fiscal and regulatory landscape of enhanced devolution.

Which public agencies are involved in this review?

The agencies involved are:

  • Scottish Enterprise (including Scottish Development International)
  • Highland and Islands Enterprise
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Scottish Funding Council

The review will take into account the economic development role of local authorities, VisitScotland and Creative Scotland and the need for complementarity. It will foster an environment in which further and higher education institutions support efforts in relation to raising educational attainment, contribute powerfully to Scotland's Economic Strategy, and support the Government's aspirations in relation to widening access.

Governance and Timing

The review will be led by Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work on behalf of the Scottish Government, be supported by relevant Ministers and key officials, and involve the key agencies, stakeholders and users. The review will report recommendations in late summer 2016.


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