
Enterprise and Skills Review report on Phase 2: 15-24 Learner Journey

Report illustrating the outcomes and progress achieved by the 15-24 Learner Journey project as part of the Enterprise and Skills Review.

1. Introduction

The Scottish Government's ambition is for a world-class learning and skills system.

This system should deliver the best value to the learner, whereby all learners are on the right route to the right career, through the right course via the right information.

The Scottish Government wants the learning and skills system to make the most effective contribution to productivity and inclusive growth, and support the achievement of the Scottish Economic Strategy (2015).

The Scottish Government also wants the system to provide an excellent learning experience which meets the needs and aspirations of all young people and equips them with skills for learning, life and work. This requires a focus on delivering equity, raising attainment, promoting equality, tackling inequalities and supporting those with additional support needs.

In response, the Scottish Government has commenced a review of the education provision for all 15-24 year olds to ensure their learning journey is as efficient and effective as possible, removes unnecessary duplication and provides stepping stones to success for those needing most support.

In defining the scope of this review, the Scottish Government is aware that the concept of the 'learner journey' extends to include the factors affecting a child's learning capacity pre and post birth and includes the formal stages of learning from the ages of 3-14 years (the Broad General Education) and from 24 years and beyond. The Scottish Government has in place a range of existing strategy and policy addressing the learner's journey.

Building on this existing work, this review specifically focuses on the 15-24 stage of learning. This is in recognition that this is a critical point for young people in their journey, being the point of greatest choice - and potentially, therefore, overlap - in provision. This review, therefore, should be considered as just one part of the Scottish Government's approach to developing education and skills provision for children, young people and adults.


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