
Enterprise and Skills Review report on Phase 2: Data, Evaluation and Performance Management

Report illustrating the outcomes and progress achieved by the Data, Evaluation and Performance Management project as part of the Enterprise and Skills Review.

2. Purpose, Vision and Benefits


Phase 1 of the review highlighted the importance of effective evaluation, research and data to support effective decision-making about the enterprise and skills system. Given the creation of the overarching board this overarching analytical function becomes even more important to ensure that the board has the necessary intelligence to help it make effective decisions about prioritisation and resource allocation.


This work is in support of a Vision of an enhanced analytical function in Scotland:

"To have a more effective and transparent system of measurement for the Scottish economy and the operation of the Enterprise and Skills Agencies. The analysis should be high quality and publicly available."

We want an analytical function which will provide effective evidence and advice across the entire enterprise and skills system helping to inform decisions which will have the maximum possible positive impact. The analytical function will work across organisational boundaries, will be informed by and will inform academia and the private sector. The analytical function will provide an effective public challenge to the system to ensure that resources are used as efficiently and effectively as possible.

The analytical function will strive for excellence in all of its work, from the recruitment and development of its people to the preparation of its work programme, from the techniques it employs in its analysis to the openness of its communications. It should be set ambitious targets by the Board and stakeholders and held to these.


Some of the key benefits of an improved analytical function include:

  • The analytical unit will support the new Strategic Board in identifying the best way to drive the enterprise and skills system to achieve its aims.
  • This will be achieved through better collaboration on intelligence across the Enterprise and Skills Agencies, helping to identify the most effective interventions to support productivity improvements - including improving the evidence base on return on investment.
  • The analytical unit will help to develop a more effective set of performance measures and a set of shared outcomes which will focus the Enterprise and Skills Agencies on the areas which will have the biggest impact for productivity, wellbeing and equality.
  • The analytical unit will aim to provide evidence to the wider enterprise and skills system, beyond the Agencies, helping to focus the actions of other public bodies and private institutions on delivering productivity growth.


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