Enterprise and Skills Review report on Phase 2: Regional Partnerships

Report illustrating the outcomes and progress achieved by the Regional Partnerships project as part of the Enterprise and Skills Review.

Annex B: Regional Partnerships: Non City Region Partnerships

Regional Partnerships: Non City Region Partnerships


East, North and South Ayrshire are working together and with the agencies and other stakeholders to develop proposals for an Ayrshire Growth Deal. They are in discussions with both Scottish and UK Governments, with the 2017-18 Scottish Government draft budget confirming we will work with the Ayrshires to make progress on developing proposals for a Deal [15] . Ayrshire partners have also agreed to explore and develop proposals for regional shared delivery arrangements for driving economic growth.

The collaborative approach to development of Growth Deal proposals, along with the potential for a regional partnership in Ayrshire to work alongside city regions to generate national growth was recognised in identifying Ayrshire as a regional partnership pathfinder location. Further information on the pathfinder and its relationship to Ayrshire Growth Deal proposals is provided in Annex C.


Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Shetland Islands and Orkney Islands Councils are working together to take forward 'A Deal for the Islands'. The aim of the proposals is to develop an ambitious package of measures designed to enhance local democracy and enable the three islands to achieve their full economic potential.

Strand 1 of the proposals relates to 'Enhancing Local Democracy' and seeks empowerment to create modern and confident Islands Councils, with the flexibility to generate solutions that fit specific islands' needs. Specifically this strand contains 11 proposals covering Governance, Fiscal Measures, and Greater Islands' Autonomy.

Strand 2 of the proposals focusses on 'Achieving Our Economic Potential' and seeks to secure business and investment growth, through political commitment to implement a strategic programme of development projects in each island area. The proposals have a 10-year horizon to achieve population and employment targets, and a 20-year horizon to embed sustainability.

Other emerging partnerships

Local authorities in other locations across Scotland are working with key stakeholders to develop partnerships with a shared vision through which to drive inclusive growth across a recognised economic area.

Moray and Argyll and Bute Councils are both individually working with key partners to develop and bring forward proposals for potential growth deals for their respective areas.

Falkirk Council has brought together public, third and private sector partners in the Falkirk Economic Partnership. The Partnership has an agreed economic strategy for the area and is exploring the potential for the Grangemouth Investment Zone to drive growth across the area.

The potential opportunities for an Upper Forth Partnership are also being explored by local authorities as part of the work of the Longannet Task Force. This is looking at future economic prospects for the area surrounding Longannet to develop the resilience of the economy and respond to the loss of a major employer in the area.

Scottish Borders and Dumfries and Galloway Councils are working closely with the agencies and the private sector to build on the collaboration fostered through the South of Scotland Alliance. They have been engaged in discussions to explore the potential of the Borderlands Initiative, working with councils across the north of England. They have also been engaged in the workstream taking forward the commitment for the new South of Scotland Enterprise Agency to respond to the area's specific opportunities and challenges and to drive growth. That vehicle will be key in developing a vision for long-term sustainable inclusive growth across the area and support and direct its delivery. A separate report on this work is available.

In addition to the partnerships outlined above the Convention of the Highlands and Islands ( COHI) [16] is an effective and well-established forum which fosters partnership working to drive sustainable economic growth across the Highlands and Islands. COHI brings Scottish Ministers and elected leaders of the area's seven local authorities together with the Chairs or Chief Executives of key public sector organisations, including Health Boards, to explore strategic opportunities and challenges impacting on the region's future prosperity.


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