
Enterprise and Skills Review report on Phase 2: South of Scotland Enterprise Agency

Report illustrating the outcomes and progress achieved by the South of Scotland Enterprise Agency project as part of the Enterprise and Skills Review.

2. Purpose, vision and benefits


The South of Scotland Vehicle project has taken forward the commitment in the Phase 1 report to the establishment of a new South of Scotland Vehicle, progressing work by looking at:

  • What the new organisation should do - its role and remit.
  • Where the new organisation should operate - its boundary.
  • How the new organisation should be structured - its legal form.


Our vision is for a new organisation operating in the South of Scotland that will drive inclusive growth, increase competitiveness and tackle inequality in the area through:

  • Maximising the area's contribution to Scotland's inclusive growth, supporting a diverse and resilient economy.
  • Sustaining and growing communities - building and strengthening communities with joined up economic and community support.
  • Capitalising on people and resources - developing skills, promoting assets and resources and maximising the impact of investment in the area.

It will ensure an approach tailored to the area's challenges and opportunities, recognising its distinctiveness but not distancing it from national support. Its success will require a long term commitment from partners to work together to address the deep rooted challenges of the area and to ensure that all can meet their potential.


The new organisation will bring a fresh approach, with a clear and unambiguous focus on place, enabling a response informed by the economic context and sensitive to the needs and opportunities of the area.


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