
Entrepreneurial Campus: summary

Summary of The Entrepreneurial Campus: The higher education sector as a driving force for the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

List of Actions by Theme

Theme 1: Regional Alignment Action
Action # Action Carried out by
1 Develop an aligned “place based” approach that forges close links and strong industrial collaborations across your regional stakeholders Institutions
2 Collaborate and align across institutions within a region sharing programmes and initiatives rather than replicating them on each site Institutions
3 Simplify and enable access to academics for businesses looking to innovate Institutions
4 Map and align the activities of Scotland’s national Techscaler network and local/ regional institutions Institutions
5 Develop an aligned “place based” approach that forges close links and strong industrial collaborations across your regional stakeholders Institutions
6 Investigate how Venture Studios/3rd party Incubators/accelerators might support the Scottish entrepreneurial ecosystem Government
Theme 2: Inspire Action
Action # Action Carried out by
7 Broaden the focus of entrepreneurial activity to include social and impact-led entrepreneurship as part of ‘mainstream’ entrepreneurship teaching and support Institutions
8 Provide a range of funding to our emerging social and impact-led businesses Gov’t Agencies/ Institutions
9 Work with organisations like (SIS) to leverage the full potential of combined networks Institutions
10 Maximise use of regional and national resources/assets to progress positive social and environmental outcomes Institutions
11 Create a National Centre for Social and Impactled Entrepreneurship that provides services to institutions, helping them to develop their social entrepreneurship offerings Government
Theme 3: Leadership Action
Action # Action Carried out by
12 Prioritise the development of an entrepreneurial mindset institutions creating a culture that embraces entrepreneurship amongst students, staff, and academics Institutions
13 Ensure that staffing levels (including external mentors and advisors) support the potential for entrepreneurial behaviour across institutions Institutions
14 Create an organisational structure and accountabilities that strengthen entrepreneurial teaching and support in institutions Institutions
15 Partner with, and leverage, government funded/3rd sector organisations that have relevant expertise Government
Theme 4: Curriculum Action
Action # Action Carried out by
16 Offer high-quality, credit bearing entrepreneurial courses to all students and postgraduates Institutions
17 Attract and develop high quality computer science students by providing flexible pathways into education Institutions
18 Technology students should be taught the fundamentals of the internet economy through case studies of tech start-ups and be exposed to internet economy best practice in product development Institutions
19 Students have access to a significant number of co-curricular, cross faculty, entrepreneurial based courses Institutions
20 Students participate in interdisciplinary/joint undergraduate projects Institutions
21 Provide field trips and learning experiences to regions where best practice is demonstrated (e.g. Silicon Valley) Institutions
22 Offer courses in social and impact-led entrepreneurship alongside conventional “For Profit” Entrepreneurship Institutions
23 Ensure every opportunity is taken to review course content across all faculties, integrating entrepreneurial thinking, teaching, and approaches where applicable Institutions
Theme 5:
Action # Action Carried out by
24 Provide structured, open, and extensive access for staff, students and graduates to entrepreneurial extra-curricular support not constrained by location, background, or personal circumstances Institutions
25 Establish and scale a national, cross institution competition for start-ups and spin-outs. Government
26 Create opportunities for CS students to experience developing products/prototypes as well as deliver a prototyping service Institutions
27 Launch a National Summer School for tech start-ups Government
28 Deliver a range of extracurricular activities focused on grand challenges and creative problem solving Institutions
29 Make available more computer science and entrepreneurial internships to students Institutions
30 Develop/grow institution-based start-up events similar to SLUSH[6] Government/ Institutions
Theme 6:
Action # Action Carried out by
31 Connect, and create meaningful relationships, with your entrepreneurial alumni and local entrepreneurial community Institutions
32 Build a database of entrepreneurial alumni expertise that can be easily accessed and interrogated Institutions
33 Create roles within the institution that facilitate easy access to alumni as advisors and mentors Institutions
34 Ensure graduate founders remain connected with their institution in order to coach the next generation of founders Institutions
Theme 7:
Action # Action Carried out by
35 Design and implement a user centric technology transfer approach that meets the founders’ expectations in terms of timelines to complete an investment Institutions
36 Reduce expectations of the level of equity to be retained by the institution Institutions
37 Where an institution requires involvement in the ongoing governance of a spin-out, ensure that the skill set, knowledge, and capability of the institution's representative on the spin-out’s board is at the appropriate level Institutions
38 Set royalties at rates that ensure that revenues are being used for rapid growth rather than paying debt Institutions
39 Ensure that the level of support and engagement offered by an institution encourages future pay back and ongoing relationships between the university and founder Institutions
40 Improve the support and education provided to spin-out founders Institutions
Theme 8:
Action # Action Carried out by
41 Establish an easy to access/understand guide/directory listing grant-makers and inventors Government/ Agencies
42 Provide students with access to micro grants (linked to a learning programme) to test ideas Government/ Institutions
43 Provide a VC managed Proof of Concept/ Prototyping Grant Fund Government
44 Create specific funds aimed at early-stage EC company development (take a regionally aligned approach) Government
45 Encourage and enable institutions to invest in start-ups/spin-outs directly or indirectly Institutions
46 Provide access to, and active attraction of, Alumni, VCs and PE funding All Stakeholders
47 Provide access to reliable and intelligent funding Government
48 Investigate alumni funding opportunities Institutions
49 Identify corporate funding opportunities Institutions
50 Establish funding for an ongoing summer school programme Government
51 Establish funding that supports programs that drive diversity and inclusivity Institutions
52 Include “entrepreneurial success” as part of the measure of research success Government/ Agencies
Theme 9:
Action # Action Carried out by
53 Create a talent pipeline of young people who are engaged, inspired and embrace an entrepreneurial mindset through their primary and secondary education Government
Theme 10:
Action # Action Carried out by
54 Adopt a framework/accreditation system to help individual institutions gauge their level of entrepreneurial maturity as a simple start point for future activity Government
55 Establish a guiding framework for the change Government
56 Develop and adopt measures and KPIs that will demonstrate success Government/ Agencies
57 Establish a strong quality assurance regime that ensures the quality of the inputs to the system All Stakeholders
58 Establishing an umbrella function to oversee the change across our tertiary institutions Government



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