Entrepreneurial Education Pathways Fund 2024 to 2025: form and guidance

Information about applying for funding to deliver entrepreneurial education to young people in Scotland. This fund is closed to applications.

Funding criteria


This fund closed to applications on 9 September 2024.

The project must be delivered from September 2024 and your application will be assessed against the following key criteria:

Entrepreneurial education

Projects must demonstrate ability to deliver learning on entrepreneurship, an entrepreneurial mindset or the development of meta skills associated with entrepreneurship. Projects must aim to reach young people aged 18 or under. This may be delivered through projects delivered in schools, education establishments or via other appropriate locations.

Alignment with Curriculum for Excellence (where appropriate)

Where projects/programmes will be delivered in school settings and/or by teachers, applications must demonstrate how they fit within the curriculum for excellence. Projects must explain how they will meet the attributes and capabilities of the four capacities of the curriculum. Any programme that is to be delivered by teachers must also explain what resources will be made available, what support teachers/educators will be provided with throughout the project’s delivery and what impact the programme will have on the teachers workload.

Advance greater inclusion, equality and diversity

Applications should demonstrate how the project will advance greater inclusion, equality and diversity. This should include encouraging entrepreneurial talent from people in groups under-represented.

Support for wider Scottish Government priorities

Applications should support wider Scottish Government priorities, such as:

  • promoting a wellbeing economy
  • community wealth building
  • supporting fair work principles
  • reducing poverty

Community involvement

Applications should demonstrate the clear demand for the project amongst the people it would serve, or evidence of the impact the project may have. The project should evidence how this is responsive to community and ecosystem needs.

Working in partnership

Applications should demonstrate how their organisation and project sits within Scotland’s entrepreneurial support landscape. We would welcome applications that show collaboration between partners. The projects should clearly demonstrate a demand for the product or service.


Email: entrepreneurialeducation@gov.scot

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