Environment Statistics from the Scottish Household Survey 2023

Key points from questions in the Scottish Household Survey 2023 relating to climate change and the environment.

Attitudes to climate change

Nearly three-quarters of adults believe that climate change is an immediate and urgent problem.

Figure 1: Percentage of adults agreeing that ‘climate change is an immediate and urgent problem’, 2013 to 2023.

Bar graph showing percentage of adults who agree that climate change is an immediate and urgent problem, 2013 to 2023.

In 2023, 74% of adults agreed that ‘climate change is an immediate and urgent problem’. There was no change in this figure between 2022 and 2023. However, the figure maintaining at 74% represents a marked increase from 2013 (46%).

The most variation in climate change attitudes is seen by level of education.

Figure 2: Percentage of adults agreeing that ‘climate change is an immediate and urgent problem’, range by selected characteristics, 2023.

Chart showing the range in belief that ‘climate change is an immediate and urgent problem’ in 2023, by selected characteristics.

Figure 2 shows the range in belief that ‘climate change is an immediate and urgent problem’ in 2023, by selected characteristics. Relatively wide ranges are observed for the results by educational attainment, deprivation and age, whereas a much smaller difference was observed between males and females.


Email: EnvironmentAnalysis@gov.scot

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