
Environment Statistics from the Scottish Household Survey 2023

Key points from questions in the Scottish Household Survey 2023 relating to climate change and the environment.

Frequency of use of nearest green or blue space

People use their nearest green or blue space more often in 2023 than 2019.

Figure 7: Percentage of public using their nearest green or blue space ‘Every day / Several times a week’, 2013 to 2023.

Bar graph showing the change in the percentage of the public using their nearest green or blue space at least several times a week, 2013 to 2023.

The percentage of people using their nearest green or blue space at least several times per week did not change between 2013 and 2019. This figure then increased from 36% in 2019 to 44% in 2023. This may, in part, represent a change in behaviour following the COVID pandemic. Question not asked in 2018 and 2022.

People living within 5 minutes walk of their nearest green and blue space used it far more frequently than those more than 10 minutes away.

Figure 8: Percentage of public using their nearest green or blue space ‘Every day or several times a week’, range by selected characteristics, 2023.

Chart showing the range in the percentage of adults using their nearest green or blue space at least several times per week, according to differences in selected characteristics.

In 2023, there was a wide range in the percentage of adults using their nearest green or blue space at least several times a week according to differences in walking distance, health, deprivation and urban-rural classification. There was no difference according to sex.



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