
Environmental Protection Act 1990 - Part IIA Contaminated Land: statutory guidance edition 2

This document promulgates revised statutory guidance for the operation of the contaminated land regime following implementation of the Contaminated Land (Scotland) Regulations 2005. It replaces the earlier 2000 version.

PART 7: Exclusion of Members of a Class B Liability Group

D.87 The guidance in this Part is issued under section 78F(6) and sets out the test which should be applied in determining whether to exclude from liability a person who would otherwise be a Class B person (that is, a person liable to meet remediation costs solely by reason of ownership or occupation of the land in question). The purpose of the test is to exclude from liability those who do not have an interest in the capital value of the land in question.

D.88 The test applies where two or more persons have been identified as Class B persons for a significant pollutant linkage.

D.89 In such circumstances, the enforcing authority should exclude any Class B person who either:

(a) occupies the land under a licence, or other agreement, of a kind which has no marketable value or which he is not legally able to assign or transfer to another person (for these purposes the actual marketable value, or the fact that a particular licence or agreement may not actually attract a buyer in the market, are irrelevant); or

(b) is liable to pay a rent which is equivalent to the rent for such of the land in question as he occupies and holds no beneficial interest in that land other than any tenancy to which such rent relates; where the rent is subject to periodic review, the rent should be considered to be equivalent to the rent if, at the latest review, it was set at the full market rent at that date.

D.90 However, the test should not be applied, and consequently no exclusion should be made, if it would result in the exclusion of all of the members of the liability group.


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

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