
Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Scotland) Regulations 2021: islands communities impact assessment - final

Islands communities impact assessment considering whether the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 have an effect on island communities significantly different to other communities in Scotland.

Screening assessment

9. Prior to the consultation on these proposals, which ran from 12th October 2020 to 4th January 2021, a screening assessment was carried out to identify whether there were issues specific to island communities that required further investigation.

10. Desktop research was undertaken to identify whether there was any existing evidence of the impacts associated with a restriction of the single-use plastic items in question being different for islands communities. This was intended to identify issues for further investigation.

11. This desktop research was then supplemented by identification of relevant issues that have been raised in previous ICIAs.

12. In addition, representatives from local authorities whose remits are partially or wholly island based were offered the opportunity to discuss their thoughts with Zero Waste Scotland. These conversations were intended to better understand the impacts that were identified by the initial research and to draw out any other issues that were not previously identified.

13. Discussions took place with five of the six island authorities. These were Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Shetland Islands Council, Orkney Islands Council, Argyll & Bute Council and North Ayrshire Council. In addition, a discussion took place with a representative from Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

14. For each conversation, representatives were provided with an opportunity to discuss their concerns about the impact of the proposed market restrictions on their communities and the unique challenges faced by island communities.

15. The screening assessment identified four initial issues:

  • Waste collections, where the potential impact was unclear;
  • Marine litter, where the impact was expected to be positive;
  • Use of alternatives on ferries, where a significant impact was not identified;
  • Access to alternatives, where any impact is not likely to be unique to island communities.



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