
Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Scotland) Regulations 2021: islands communities impact assessment - final

Islands communities impact assessment considering whether the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 have an effect on island communities significantly different to other communities in Scotland.

Mitigation measures or adjustment of policy

43. On the basis of our assessment, we do not consider that this proposal will have any significantly different adverse impact for island communities. There may be greater benefits to island communities from any resulting reduction in marine litter. There is therefore no need for mitigation measures or adjustments to the proposal.

44. However, the importance of using appropriate communication channels during the implementation of the proposals has been highlighted. This should include island-specific channels such as local business groups and newspapers. This will help to ensure that island businesses are aware of the changes and can adapt in good time.

45. The potential for benefits to island communities may increase if communications around the introduction of the market restrictions encourage an overall reduction in the use of single-use items of all materials.



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