Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP) Project Board minutes: April 2024

Minutes from the meeting held on 30 April 2024.

Attendees and apologies

Scottish Government:

  • Audrey MacDougall, Chief Social Researcher (co-chair)
  • (Chair) Beth Cocker, Principal Researcher – Equality Analysis Team, Communities Analysis Division
  • Rosie Convey, Assistant Statistician – Equality Analysis Team, Communities Analysis Division (Minutes)
  • Amy Tucker, Social Researcher – Equality Analysis Team, Communities Analysis Division
  • David Holmes, Head of Wellbeing Economy and Capability Unit, Directorate for Jobs and Wellbeing Economy
  • Gill McCrum, Mainstreaming, Scottish Government (Deputising for Rob Priestley)
  • Kirsty Yule, National Performance Framework Unit


  • Jordon Gorevan, Non-Departmental Public Bodies Equality Forum (NDPB)
  • Hannah Telling, Equality and Human Rights (EHRC)
  • Brianna Fletcher, COSLA


  •  Alastair McAlpine, Chief Statistician (co-chair)
  • Jonathan Wright, Senior Principal Researcher & Head of Equality and Social Justice, CAD
  • Catherine McMeeken, Deputy Director for Equalities, Equality, EIHR
  • Rob Priestley, Mainstreaming (McCrum/McCombie deputising)
  • Simon Cameron, COSLA
  • Lesley Crozier, Scottish Council's Equality Network (SCEN)
  • Nick Cassidy, Improvement Service
  • Rishma Maini, Public Health Scotland
  • Ali Hosie, Scottish Human Rights Commission
  • Shruti Jain, Public Health Scotland

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

BC welcomed attendees to the meeting and invited introductions. MH has gathered information in a highlight report and circulated this to members. BC noted that attendance was lower than expected.

BC summarised the agenda for the meeting: to provide an update on progress against the actions in the Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025; to provide focused updates from the National Performance Framework team; and to share updates from external Project Board members.

EDIP Progress Update

BC provided an overview of the Highlight Report (Paper 1).

BC noted that this is a busy time of year so the Equality Analysis team were unable to get updates from two areas.

BC explained that a table has been added to the Highlight Report about coverage of actions, including variables. BC suggested that the group review this to assess whether they are happy with the overall coverage. She noted that the team have not looked at an overlay of which ones are complete or on course to see if there is any clustering. There was some agreement that the table is helpful.

Attendees asked no questions.

Spotlight updates – National Performance Framework (NPF)

BC invited KY to provide an overview of the thematic gender analysis of the National Performance Framework (NPF) indicators.

This included:

  • Recommendation from the National Advisory Council of Women and Girls (NACWG) to produce a thematic gender review of the NPF as a catalyst for system change, specifically how the NPF does and does not measure outcomes for women. This further developed later into an ask for intersectional data.
  • The NPF relies on a network of 50+ lead analysts to provide data.
  • In part one of the review the team looked at gender across national outcomes. In part two, desk-based research, consultations and equality impact assessments were completed. The team considered what was being done well and what could be done to strengthen the evidence base based on stakeholder feedback.
  • The thematic gender review highlights a mixed picture with regards to outcomes for women in comparison to outcomes for men. The report is due to be published in the next month.
  • KY also gave examples of the NPF progress and future plans:
    • Better disaggregation of data on equality characteristics, e.g. sex and gender are reported as standard for all of the relevant national indicators
    • Relaunched the NPF website on 6 February. The NPF website has a main standard chart, and equality disaggregation where available.
    • The team are focusing on exploring the availability of intersectional data with the Equality Analysis Team. Beginning with a series focusing on women and girls plus one other equality characteristic, informed by the needs of NACWG.
    • The team have listened to stakeholders for the revised national outcomes and broadened scope to mainstream the unique experiences of women throughout the National Outcomes.
  • KY explained that the statutory document proposing the revised National Outcomes will be laid in parliament on 1st May 2024. A period of parliamentary scrutiny will follow over Summer/Autumn. An implementation plan will be developed and published alongside the new NPF in early 2025.

Questions from attendees:

AMacD asked if, when looking at outcomes, did the review highlight where the NPF was missing information? She noted that in one or two areas the data did not seem to be showing the complete story.

KY replied that yes, this is correct and is something that the team would like to look into next. She emphasised that this data is a snapshot of what we can see from the National Indicators, but it is by no means the entire picture. KY thanked AMacD for this feedback and noted that the team will aim to make sure this is clear.

In addition, KY expressed an 'ideal aim’ to put the NPF in the context of the wider statistical landscape, making data more connected and allowing the NPF to signpost to other data. She noted that this relies on resources, and that currently, improvements are being made incrementally. She welcomed feedback from the EDIP Programme Board about how to make this landscape more connected.

Attendee thanked KY for the presentation. Attendee noted that data on intersectionality is useful, but beyond the nine protected equality characteristics, has the team looked into social deprivation in particular for women? Attendee noted that, because it is not included in the protected characteristics, social deprivation can be overlooked.

KY thanked attendee for the valid point. She explained that the team are also reporting social economic status using the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) wherever that data is available. They also report urban/rural data when possible. These charts can be found on the NPF website. KY explained further that the team are looking into other measures for disaggregation as requested by stakeholders. KY also explained that the team will be exploring intersectionality by analysing breakdowns plus just one other protected characteristic to begin with to see what is possible, but emphasised that as we break the data down into smaller groups the sample sizes get smaller, and it is more difficult to report whilst ensuring individuals are not recognised in the data.

KY invited the group to look at the refreshed National Performance Framework website. She reiterated that equalities data is now live, and the next update will be on 8th May 2024 with an additional equalities overview page. She emphasised that all feedback is very welcome National Performance Framework | National Performance Framework.

Roundtable updates

The following attendees provided an update:

  • Jordon Gorevan from Non-Departmental Public Bodies Equality Forum (NDPB) provided an update on the last meeting of the NDPB Equality Forum.
    • JG noted that for staff network group collaborations there is varied guidance. The team are examining how to facilitate collaboration across employee network groups specifically for smaller public bodies. For example, a public sector event for employee networks looking at specific policy implications and general best practice across public social network, in particular NDPB.
    • JB raised questions around consistent collection and reporting of disability data across the public sector. Colleagues want to make sure that they are compliant with equality legislation.
    • The NDPB Equality Forum’s next meeting will be on the topic of equality mainstream reporting.

AOB and close

BC spoke about the Equality Evidence Strategy Interim Review and Report

This included:

  • An interim review of the Equality Evidence Strategy and EDIP is due by the end of this year, marking the mid-point of the strategy period.
  • BC noted there is currently a lot of interest in equality data from stakeholders such as NACWG and disability stakeholders. There are a lot of questions to consider, for example: are we able to complete commitments by the Evidence Strategy end date?
  • The Interim Review will, in part, be an extended highlight report, but the Secretariat are open to feedback to find out what else the Programme Board would be keen to see included. BC invited members of the group to send any comments they have in an email. The Equality Analysis Team will pull together thoughts on this topic and will talk these through at the next project board meeting.

An update was passed on via e-mail from Lesley Croizer (Scottish Council’s Equality Network (SCEN)): Since the turn of the year, SCEN members have been working on producing their Local British Sign Language (BSL) Plans for the 06 May 2024 deadline. It has been noted that BSL data both at a local and national level is hard to come.

BC thanked all for attending and for their input in the meeting. 


  • Review plans for the interim report
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