
Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP) Project Board minutes: August 2023

Minutes from the meeting held on 22 August 2023.

Attendees and apologies

Scottish Government (SG)

  • Audrey MacDougall (AMacD), Chief Social Researcher (Chair)
  • Alastair McAlpine (AMcA), Chief Statistician
  • Jonathan Wright, Senior Principal Researcher, Equality & Social Justice Analysis, Communities Analysis Division
  • Jon Hunter (JH), Statistician – Equality Analysis Team, Communities Analysis Division
  • Maisy Best (MB), Social Researcher – Equality Analysis Team, Communities Analysis Division
  • Nanjika Nasiiro (NN), Strategic Lead – Strategic Anti-Racism and NACWG, Directorate for Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights
  • Gill McCrum (GM), Strategic Development and Organisational Capability Lead, Mainstreaming, Directorate for Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights
  • Michaela Wilson Martincova (MWM), Policy Manager - Centre of Expertise in Equality and Human Rights, Directorate for Economic Strategy and Fair Work [deputising for David Holmes]
  • Rebecca Holmes, Fast Stream Assistant Statistician (attending to observe the meeting)
  • Hannah Mead, Fast Stream Assistant Statistician (attending to observe the meeting)
  • William Visick, Fast Stream Assistant Statistician (attending to observe the meeting)


  • Jordon Gorevan (JG), Non-Departmental Public Bodies Equality Forum (NDPB Equality Forum)
  • Sandra Robb (SR), Public Health Scotland (PHS)
  • Hannah Telling (HT), Equality and Human Rights (EHRC)
  • Garrick Smyth, COSLA


  • Lesley Crozier, Scottish Council’s Equality Network
  • Emily Lynch, Improvement Service
  • David Holmes, Centre of Expertise in Equality and Human Rights, Directorate for Economic Strategy and Fair Work
  • Catherine McMeeken, Deputy Director Equalities, Directorate for Equality, Inclusion & Human Rights

Items and actions

Welcome and Introductions

AMacD welcomed attendees to the meeting, and summarised the agenda for the meeting - to agree on revised Terms of Reference; provide an update on progress made on the EDIP since the publication of the Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-25; and provide an opportunity for attendees to share updates on current or planned equality evidence improvement activity in their teams or organisations.  

AMacD invited introductions from all attendees.

Revised Terms of Reference 

MB presented an overview of the of the revised Terms of Reference (Paper 1). Following the overview, AMacD chaired discussion.

NN was supportive of the proposed purpose of the Project Board, including supporting the delivery of actions. NN clarified what the actions are, and AMacD advised that the actions refer to the 45 actions outlined in the Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025, published in March 2023.

GM asked about the scope of the EDIP, and associated purpose of the Project Board, including whether the scope includes human rights. HT suggested inviting the Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) to join the Project Board. Attendees were supportive of this suggestion.

JH advised that the scope of the EDIP was intentionally limited during phase one to the protected characteristics to ensure the programme was achievable within available staffing resource.

AMacD suggested that clear definitions of what is meant by ‘human rights’ and ‘human rights data’ are required. Equality Analysis team to consider this further. It may be that human rights data is better covered as a separate workstream linked to upcoming analytical support to human rights legislation.

JG also mentioned care-experience data and asked that this be considered for inclusion within scope.

JG highlighted the use of ‘support’ in the purpose and suggested clarifying what this means within the Terms of Reference document.

AMacD suggested that a key purpose of the Project Board should be to support with the solving problems that are preventing delivery, through the provision of guidance, advice and forming links to influence and encourage equality data improvement.

AMcA suggested considering whether sub-groups would be beneficial to inform the delivery of specific projects. AMacD suggested adding a line on this in the Terms of Reference.

EDIP Progress Update

JH provided an summary of the Highlight Report (Paper 2). AMacD invited discussion and requests for further information.

AMacD suggested providing additional detail going forward on actions that have been delayed. AMacD suggested using a tabular format including detail on the reason for the delay, what could be done to progress the action and the revised timescales.

JG asked that hyperlinks be provided for all published outputs in the Highlight Report.

JG suggested providing the Project Board with a Gantt chart to enable members to visualise which projects are in track. JH advised that the Equality Analysis team have a spreadsheet already that could be adapted into a Gantt chart, and could be circulated to the Project Board.

HT asked whether there would be a period of evaluating actions once they have been completed, particularly where novel approaches have been taken. This would reflect on whether the approach was effective and whether additional work is required. AMacD suggested that this could be covered in the interim progress report (for publication in late 2024).

AMcA advised that review and reflection should be part of the business cycle of producing statistics. AMcA suggested a role for the Project Board in providing feedback to analysts.

NN was supportive of providing additional information on delayed actions, and suggested considering how the Project Board could assist with delayed actions.

AMacD to provide the Equality Analysis team with alternative templates for the Highlight Report to increase the focus on delivery.

Roundtable Updates

HT, JG, GM, MWM and NN provided verbal updates on work that is planned or ongoing in their organisations / teams. SR provided a written update.

AOB and Close

No AOB was raised.

AMacD thanked all for attending and for their input in the meeting, and advised that the next meeting will be held on 14 November 2023.


  • Equality Analysis team to revise the Terms of Reference document to include additional detail on the purpose and scope of the group, and the potential role of sub-groups, and circulate the revised version to Project Board members via email
  • Equality Analysis team to explore definitions of human rights data, and consider whether human rights should be included within the scope of the EDIP
  • Equality Analysis team to provide additional detail on delayed actions in future Highlight Reports and ensure hyperlinks are provided for all published outputs
  • AMacD to share examples of delivery-focused report templates
  • Equality Analysis team to consider how best to evaluate the impact of completed actions for inclusion in the interim progress report
  • Equality Analysis team to share a Gantt chart with Project Board members
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