
Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP) Project Board minutes: February 2023

Minutes from the meeting held on 8 February 2023.

Attendees and apologies

Scottish Government (SG)

  • Alastair McAlpine (AMcA), Chief Statistician (Chair)
  • Audrey MacDougall (AMac), Chief Social Researcher
  • Jonathan Wright (JW), Senior Principal Researcher, Equality & Social Justice Analysis
  • Jon Hunter (JH), Statistician, Equality Analysis Team
  • Maisy Best (MB), Senior Social Researcher, Equality Analysis Team
  • Roanna Simpson (RS), Social Researcher, Equality Analysis Team
  • Míša Wilson Martincova (MWM), Directorate for Economic Strategy (deputising for David Holmes)


  • Alexis Camble, COSLA
  • Jordon Gorevan, Non-Departmental Public Bodies Equality Forum (NDPB Equality Forum)
  • Anna Grant, Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)


  • Nick Bland, Equality, Inclusion & Human Rights Directorate
  • Lesley Crozier, Scottish Council’s Equality Network
  • Emily Lynch, Improvement Service
  • David Holmes, Directorate for Economic Strategy
  • Shruti Jain, Public Health Scotland (PHS)
  • Rob Priestley, Equality, Inclusion & Human Rights Directorate

Items and actions


JW deputised for AMcA for this agenda item.

JH provided an overview of the Highlight Report (Paper 1). No questions were raised following JH’s overview.

Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025 – feedback from the Project Board on the draft strategy

MB provided a summary of the draft Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025, feedback received on the draft to date and invited feedback from the Project Board.

AC encouraged consideration of the criteria for success regarding the actions set out in the strategy. JH agreed and highlighted monitoring of progress on the actions will be carried out throughout the implementation period of the strategy, including by publishing an interim progress report in late 2024 and a final progress report in early 2026 following the conclusion of the strategy.

Attendees agreed that a statement on ‘what success looks like’ be should be included in the strategy. JH suggested that the Equality Data Audit, which collected information on the equality data collected and published from key Scottish Government datasets in autumn 2021, could be carried out again at the end of the strategy implementation period to measure progress.

AG noted that it would be helpful to understand how the range of actions presented in the plan map onto the challenges set out elsewhere in the strategy to identify potential gaps.

JW agreed with AG’s point, and highlighted that it is important to have a clear rationale for prioritisation of actions. JH noted that the Equality Analysis team rely on analysts across Scottish Government to prioritise improvement activity based on known user needs.

JH also noted that the plan presented in the draft strategy does not reflect the full range of improvements to the equality evidence base that we expect to be undertaken over the strategy implementation period. It is expected that new actions will arise and social research will be carried out based on policy needs.

JG suggested reducing the length of the document and making the layout of the action plan more accessible. JH confirmed that the Equality Analysis team are considering the layout of the document and considering what material could be annexed. AMac supported the use of annexes to reduce the length of the document and ensure it caters for a range of readers.

Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025 – future collaborations and governance

JH summarised proposed governance arrangements for the strategy implementation period and invited feedback on the membership, meeting frequency, engaging with stakeholders and progress reporting arrangements.

JG suggested considering ways in which monitoring can be streamlined so as not to take away from the delivery of the actions.

AMcA endorsed a quarterly meeting and encouraged consideration of whether sub-meetings are required if a point should be explored in more detail. AMcA also suggested that progress updates are a standing meeting item.

AMcA suggested considering how to involve of people with lived experience. AMac suggested considering the governance structure further, including whether to establish different groups for input on strategy and delivery. AC suggested the Human Rights Bill advisory board engagement with people with lived experience as a good practice example.

Any other business (AOB) and close

No AOB was raised.

AMcA thanked all for attending and for their input in the meeting, and encouraged any further feedback on the strategy to JH and MB via email.


  • equality analysis team to contact AC and AG to discuss their feedback on the strategy further
  • equality analysis team to include a statement on measuring success in the strategy
  • equality analysis team to shorten the strategy document, including through the use of annexes
  • equality analysis team to consider how to present the action plan in a more engaging format while balancing accessibility requirements
  • equality analysis team to consider how to streamline monitoring arrangements for the strategy implementation period
  • equality analysis team to schedule quarterly meetings of the project board to commence following publication of the strategy
  • equality analysis team to gather information from the SG Human Rights Bill team on lived experience engagement and consider whether a similar approach could be applied to the Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025 governance
  • project board to provide further feedback on the draft strategy to JH and MB
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