
Equality Data Improvement Programme project board - highlight report: August 2022

Paper from the meeting of the group on 17 August 2022.

Project name: Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP)
Senior Responsible Officer: Mick Wilson, Head of Communities Analysis Division
Project Manager: Jon Hunter/Maisy Best
Next project meeting: 17/08/2022
Period covering: 24/06/2022 – 15/8/2022
Report date: 15/8/2022
RAG last period: Amber
RAG this period: Amber

Summary of overall progress 

The overall status of the programme is Amber as key projects are on track, however a couple of projects haven’t progressed as quickly as we had envisaged.  

The most significant achievement in this period was: 

The launch of the written consultation on 1 July 2022, on a draft plan to improve and strengthen Scotland’s equality evidence base. The consultation is open for responses on Citizen Space until 23 September 2022.  

We have proactively contacted a range of organisations, individuals and networks to encourage them to respond to the consultation, and we have publicised the consultation on a number of platforms and on social media.

So far however we have received only four responses.  

Following the last update, the Programme Board was content for the publication of the next Equality Evidence Strategy be pushed back to end Feb 2023.   

Project achievements for this period


  • following approval from the Minister for Equalities and Older People the written consultation was launched on 1 July. The consultation will be live for 12 weeks, closing on 23 September. The consultation paper was accompanied by easy read and large print versions
  • in late June 2022, we also published a document setting out our planned approach to engaging with stakeholders throughout the development of the Equality Evidence Strategy. The paper was developed with this Programme Board. In line with this approach, we have proactively contacted a range of organisations, individuals and networks to encourage them to respond to the consultation, and we have publicised the consultation on a number of platforms including on the Scottish Government statistics blog and on Scottish Government social media
  • the Equality Analysis Team is underway with updating the NPF Data Explorer to improve transparency about data gaps in equality breakdowns from the indicators – however this work will be affected in the short term due to loss of a staff member to the Ukraine response
  • data linkage project – Duncan Buchanan is to provide an update at the upcoming Project Board meeting on progress on the work to design, build and test the equality protected dataset

Communications and engagement

  • the Equality Analysis team ran a seminar on intersectionality for SG policymakers and analysts to disseminate findings from the Using intersectionality to understand structural inequality in Scotland: evidence synthesis report. Talat Yaqoob was a key speaker. The event took place on 18 July. The event was attended by over 100 policymakers and analysts from across the SG and agencies. The event received positive feedback. We are currently scoping options for producing a further learning resource on intersectionality
  • we have publicised the consultation on a number of platforms including on the Scottish Government statistics blog and on Scottish Government social media. It would be very helpful if the Programme Board could help to further promote this amongst their networks
  • we have organised our first engagement event to inform the development of the Equality Evidence Strategy, alongside the written consultation. The event will take place on 31 August for equality data users across the Scottish Government
  • a submission was sent to the Minister for Equalities and Older People on 22 July 2022, which provided a brief progress update on the EDIP since our last submission on 9 March 2022
  • the Equality Analysis team met with ONS officials on 15 August to discuss options for collaboration on qualitative/lived experience research, including the development of an equality data charter with research participants. We will meet again in September to discuss further

Milestones/tasks planned but not achieved

The following task was planned but not achieved during this period: 

  • due to competing pressures, staffing changes and summer leave at ONS we have not yet had capacity to develop solid plans for the lived experience project but discussions are now underway with the ONS and we will progress in September. A pause on spending could represent a barrier to future work in this area
  • Plans for next period
  • organise virtual stakeholder engagement events where stakeholders will be able to provide their views on the proposed improvement actions, including any gaps  
  • prepare procurement documentation for the analysis of consultation responses. The analysis contract will be advertised following the close of the consultation. In-house analysis is also an option if response numbers are low and budgets are tight
  • produce a proposal for an Evidence in Policy Fortnight 2022 session to showcase examples of how improved equality data has led to changes in service outcomes from across the public sector. Evidence in Policy Fortnight 2022 will take place between 7-18 November 2022
  • develop solid plans for collaboration with the ONS on qualitative/lived experience research

Key risks

Risk no. 1: There is insufficient time to produce the Equality Evidence Strategy following conclusion of the stakeholder consultation.  

Severity (1-5): 4 
Probability (1-5): 3
Actions: We have notified the Minister and agreed with the Programme Board that the publication of the Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-25 will be put back until end February 2023.  
Impact of Actions on Risks: The actions are expected to reduce the probability of this risk.

Risk no. 2: Lack of statistician support prevents us from progressing as fast as we would like.

Severity (1-5): 4 
Probability (1-5): 5
Actions: Our B1 statistician has been redeployed to work on the Ukraine response within Scottish Government for three days per week. We are in the process of recruiting a B2 statistician in next round of recruitment but unlikely to be in post until after the summer.   
Impact of Actions on Risks: The team will continue to explore resourcing options including innovative ways to resource the project. This should help reduce the risk.  

Risk no. 3: There is not sufficient lived experience engagement in the EDIP programme.

Severity (1-5): 3 
Probability (1-5): 3
Actions: This was discussed previous Project Board meetings. The Equality Analysis team is developing a proposal for this action which builds on work already underway by the ONS. However a pause on spending could represent a barrier to future work in this area.   
Impact of Actions on Risks: We are aware that the ONS are carrying out a range of lived experience projects as part of the Inclusive Data Taskforce, some of which include a Scottish sample.

Project RAG status key

Red: some risks/issues require immediate attention from the Programme Manager/Challenge Owner/Lead
Amber: some risks/issues are self contained within tolerances
Green: project is proceeding on schedule

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