
Coronavirus (COVID-19): evidence gathered for Scotland's route map - equality and Fairer Scotland impact assessment

This is the first publication of an overview of the range of poverty and equality impacts evidenced in relation to the complex range of measures that will be taken as we follow the route map out of the crisis and focus on the mission of making Scotland a greener, fairer and more prosperous country.

9. Conclusion

This document has attempted to set out an overview of the range of poverty and equality impacts evidenced in relation to the complex range of measures that will be taken as Scotland moves from lockdown back towards normality. In so doing, it has noted a range of structural inequality that exists across protected characteristics and socio-economic disadvantage which will need to be considered as part of any social and economic renewal programme to deliver a Fairer Scotland. A range of impacts have been identified from measures in the first two phases of release along with a range of mitigation activities. These have been described in the tables where relevant. Engagement with key stakeholders and understanding of lived experience will be critical to making sure that impacts have been appropriately identified in Phases 1 and 2 and that assessments for later phases cover a full range of issues.

We welcome your views and evidence. If you are in regular contact with policy makers in the Scottish Government please feel free to use your normal routes of engagement to provide further evidence or comments. If you are not in regular contact with policy makers in the Scottish Government or have any more general comments on both the assessment and mitigation activities please send them to



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