Equality and human rights mainstreaming strategy: consultation - easy read

Easy read version of our consultation on an equality and human rights mainstreaming strategy. The strategy will guide the Government, the wider public sector, and our partners to improve embedding equality, inclusion, and human rights into all that we do

Theme 6. Improving capacity

Capacity means how well we work and how much work we can do

We want to support the Scottish Government and public bodies to give the resources to make sure equality and human rights is included in all their work.

Resources mean money, materials and staff.

Equality and human rights must be part of the way decisions are made about how money is spent.

This includes funding for voluntary organisations so they can help us to do more mainstreaming work.


20. Do you agree that improving capacity is an important way to mainstream equality and human rights?

21. Have we included the most important things about capacity?

22. What other work would make sure that improving capacity will support mainstreaming equality and human rights?

How the Strategy will support real change

Along with the Strategy we will have an action plan to bring together other mainstreaming work

It will be updated every year to add further actions and give statements of progress – how well work is going.

We will also have online accessible information called a ‘toolkit’.

This includes guidance and training to give public bodies information and practical tools to make mainstreaming happen.


23. Will an action plan that brings all mainstreaming work together, help things to change?

24. Do you think a public sector toolkit is needed to support mainstreaming of Equality and Human Rights?

25. What would you include to make the toolkit work well?


Email: MainstreamingStrategy@gov.scot

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