Equality and human rights mainstreaming strategy: consultation - easy read

Easy read version of our consultation on an equality and human rights mainstreaming strategy. The strategy will guide the Government, the wider public sector, and our partners to improve embedding equality, inclusion, and human rights into all that we do

Theme 1. Making leadership stronger

We want to support Scottish Government and leaders of public bodies to do these things:

  • encourage, guide and challenge others
  • increase their own knowledge and understanding of equality and human rights
  • make sure there is enough money, materials and staff to do the work to protect equality and human rights
  • make sure equality and human rights are at the centre of policies and work
  • check how well mainstreaming work is going

This includes leadership at all levels including:

  • politicians
  • Scottish Government leaders
  • across public sector organisations


3. Do you agree that strengthening leadership is an important way to mainstream equality and human rights?

4. Do you think we have included the right levels of leadership?

5. Have we included the main ways to strengthen leadership?

6. What other actions would you include to strengthen leadership?


Email: MainstreamingStrategy@gov.scot

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