
Equality and human rights mainstreaming strategy: consultation - easy read

Easy read version of our consultation on an equality and human rights mainstreaming strategy. The strategy will guide the Government, the wider public sector, and our partners to improve embedding equality, inclusion, and human rights into all that we do

Theme 5. Improving capability and culture

Capability means being able to develop and work well.

Culture means the values, beliefs and attitudes of an organisation.

We want equality and human rights to be part of the way people think and work, so they do not need support from staff who work on equality or human rights.

We must:

  • make sure all staff have the knowledge and skills they need and that there are specialist staff if needed
  • make sure people understand what their human rights are - particularly people whose rights are most at risk


16. Do you think that improving capability and culture is an important way to mainstream equality and human rights?

17. Have we included the best ways to improve capability and culture?

18. What other actions would you include to improve capability and culture?

19. Does this strategy give good ways to encourage a culture of mainstreaming equality and human rights in Scottish Government and public bodies?



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