
Eradicating female genital mutilation - national action plan 2016-2020: equality impact assessment

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) record for Scotland's national action plan to prevent and eradicate Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) 2016 to 2020.


Policy Aim

The aims of Scotland's National Action Plan to Prevent and Eradicate FGM are to strengthen understanding of how communities in Scotland are affected by FGM and to deliver changes in attitudes, behaviours, practice and policy to ensure FGM is prevented and ultimately eradicated.

The National Outcomes this contributes to are:

  • Our children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed.
  • We have improved the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.
  • We live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger.
  • We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others.
  • We take pride in a strong, fair and inclusive national identity.
  • We have tackled the significant inequalities in Scottish society.
  • Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.

Who will it affect?

The recommended actions in the National Action Plan will directly impact on all members of affected communities, and also frontline practitioners who may have to respond to individuals affected or who are potentially at risk of the practice. It will indirectly affect all members of society with the roll out of awareness raising.

What might prevent the desired outcomes being achieved?

Implementation of the recommended actions will be taken forward by Scottish Government, Statutory, Third Sector and Community Organisations. The hidden nature of this practice and cultural sensitivities could also have an effect on achieving outcomes.


Email: Bruce Sutherland,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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