
Eradicating female genital mutilation - national action plan 2016-2020: equality impact assessment

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) record for Scotland's national action plan to prevent and eradicate Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) 2016 to 2020.

Stage 3: Assessing the impacts and identifying opportunities to promote equality

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their age?





Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation


This policy development is primarily for the elimination of a specified practice which is not predicated on age, however is primarily carried out on young girls.

Advancing equality of opportunity


This policy aims to prevent harmful practices against young girls and women with a long term goal of advancing equality and opportunity. The policy aims to do this through: raising awareness of the right of all women and children to be free from FGM, enabling public sector organisations to understand their duties to prevent FGM and providing services to those affected by FGM.

Promoting good relations among and between different age groups


This harmful practice is mainly performed by older members of the community/family on very young girls and by eliminating this; there is an opportunity for relationships between both to flourish.

Do you think that the policy impacts disabled people?





Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation


This policy development is primarily for the elimination of a specified practice which is not predicated on ability or disability. Within this aim there are no particular impacts around eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

Advancing equality of opportunity


The elimination of this harmful practice will give young girls in particular more opportunity to live full, pain free lives and become active members of the Scottish community and lead to health improvements of survivors of FGM. Whilst elimination of the practice will not result in health improvements for those affected. Identification of FGM may help in addressing some of the health related consequences associated with certain types of the practice.

Promoting good relations among and between disabled and non-disabled people


The elimination of this practice is not predicated on ability or disability. However, there is an opportunity for relationships between both to flourish with the elimination of this practice.

Do you think that the policy impacts on men and women in different ways?





Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


This policy development is primarily for the elimination of a specified practice which is primarily carried out on young girls. The implementation of this policy will contribute to eliminating unlawful practices against girls and women.

Advancing equality of opportunity


For some women in certain communities, marriage and reproduction are the only means to ensuring economic security and social status and FGM can be seen in those communities as a prerequisite for marriage. However FGM is recognised widely as a form of violence against women and girls and a violation of their human rights. Therefore any reduction in this occurring will give young girls and women more opportunities in education and society as a whole.

Promoting good relations between men and women


FGM reflects deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. By eradicating this practice, it is hoped that men's attitudes and behaviour towards women will improve thus improving their relationships, and it will lead to women feeling and being more empowered.

Do you think that the policy impacts on women because of pregnancy and maternity?

Pregnancy and Maternity




Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


By highlighting FGM or the potential risk of FGM during the early stages of pregnancy, the correct pathways and procedures can be followed to the benefit of all prospective mothers and their unborn children.

Advancing equality of opportunity


The implementation and development of these policies will advance equality of opportunity by making sure pregnant women have access to all available services and protection for their child is maintained through the relevant pathways.

Promoting good relations


It is hoped the relationships between pregnant women and their health care professional will be strengthened by an increased awareness of FGM and appropriate measures to safeguard families and respond appropriately when required.

Do you think your policy impacts on transsexual people?

Gender reassignment




Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


This National Action Plan is in place to protect all women and girls, this also includes people who may have undergone gender reassignment or are in the process of transitioning. There are no negative impacts related to eliminating unlawful discrimination of transgender people. Even if these girls later identify as transgender men, it will have no bearing on their subjugation from patriarchal forces that require females to be cut in order to be valued as "pure" within society. It is precisely because they are identified as girls that they experience the oppression of FGM.

Advancing equality of opportunity


The policy's inclusiveness has the potential to advance equality of opportunity and there will be no barriers to engagement of transgender people. There are no negative impacts related to eliminating unlawful discrimination of transgender people.

Promoting good relations


It is hoped this policy implementation will build on relationships and help form new bonds with people transitioning and other members of the community as a whole. There are no negative impacts related to eliminating unlawful discrimination of transgender people.

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their sexual orientation?

Sexual orientation




Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


There are no particular positive or negative impacts related to eliminating unlawful discrimination of LGBTI people.

Advancing equality of opportunity


There are no particular positive or negative impacts related to eliminating unlawful discrimination of LGBTI people.

Promoting good relations


There are no particular positive or negative impacts related to eliminating unlawful discrimination of LGBTI people.

Do you think the policy impacts on people on the grounds of their race?





Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


There are positive impacts related to eliminating unlawful discrimination because of race. Whilst drawing attention to a certain ethnicity may lead to profiling ongoing engagement with communities can address any negative perceptions. While, the activities contained in the National Action Plan in relation to education and awareness focus on women and girls, they are for all members of the community and across all practitioners across statutory, third sector and community organisations at all levels.

Advancing equality of opportunity


The policy's inclusiveness has the potential to advance equality of opportunity for ethnic minorities. An aim is that this policy provides a broad platform to encourage further engagement of minority ethnic communities. The solution to the elimination of this practice lies within the communities potentially affected by it.

Promoting good race relations


One of the key benefits of this policy is the strong partnerships formed. The Scottish Government and a number of community organisations now collaborate to enhance engagement of minority ethnic communities.

Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their religion or belief?

Religion or belief




Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


It is a cultural practice, which does not have any basis in any religion, although there is a commonly held misconception in some communities that it is a religious requirement. It is also commonly seen as a rite of passage to adulthood and a prerequisite for marriage. This policy is working to dispel the myth that this practice is related to religion. For some women in certain communities, marriage and reproduction are the only means to ensuring economic security and social status.

Advancing equality of opportunity


The policies inclusiveness has the potential to advance equality of opportunity and there will be no barriers to engagement of faith groups. The policy looks to achieve this by raising awareness of FGM and the services available, and development of all communities, including young people, men, religious leaders and others, recently arrived migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

Promoting good relations


One of the key benefits of this policy is the strong partnerships formed. A number of community organisations and Scottish Government have met to discuss partnership opportunities to enhance engagement of faith groups within potentially affected communities and religious leaders.


Email: Bruce Sutherland,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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