
Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) - results - Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design

A full Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) was undertaken to help boost the celebration of the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design.


Given the success of Homecoming 2009 and the 2010-2013 Themed Years, a further series of Themed Years were announced by the then First Minister on 10 September 2013. These are: (2015) - Food & Drink; (2016) Innovation, Architecture and Design; (2017) History, Heritage and Archaeology; and (2018) Young People.

Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design-2016
In 2016 the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design ( YIAD) spotlights, celebrates and promotes Scotland's heritage and modern attributes in relation to architecture, engineering, renewables, fashion, textiles, science, technology and more through an exciting programme of activity to inspire the people of Scotland and our visitors and boost tourism in every corner of Scotland.

From textiles to technology, architecture to fashion and design, the year-long programme will shine the spotlight on our greatest assets and icons, as well as our hidden gems. This is tourism's opportunity to showcase Scotland's traditional and contemporary icons and our cutting-edge design to the world.

Architecture is a pivotal part of Scotland's culture and our outstanding built heritage is a major tourism asset. Well-preserved works by important architects living in Scotland can be visited and explored throughout the country. As part of the Year there will be a Festival of Architecture delivered by the Royal Incorporation of Architects Scotland ( RIAS), which will celebrate our built environment and connect Scottish communities and visitors with architecture through events and exhibitions across the country.

There are opportunities for everyone to celebrate the YIAD by organising events and activities which showcase the best of Scotland's innovation, architecture and design to visitors and communities, by attending the events programme, by volunteering to help with the delivery of events and by harnesses the business potential of the year.

The YIAD is primarily a tourism initiative but it will also have the potential to generate a wide range of positive impacts across Scotland's diverse communities.


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