
Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) - results - Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design

A full Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) was undertaken to help boost the celebration of the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design.

Key Findings

The EQIA process for the 2016 Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design has identified particular opportunities to further boost accessibility for disabled and older people and also related to pregnancy and maternity. It has also identified key opportunities to engage Scotland's multi-cultural communities. These will be harnessed as part of VisitScotland's Inclusive Tourism Project (supported by a £38,000 funding contribution from the Scottish Government) and through the multi-cultural celebration of YIAD and Scotland's Winter Festivals 2016/17 (supported by a £54,000 funding contribution from the Scottish Government).

There is limited data on how Scotland's LGBTI community engages in tourism and events (although this has been boosted by recent research led by the Equality Network and VisitScotland) however there is no particular evidence to suggest any inequality of opportunity for the LGBTI community to join the celebration of the YIAD.

Similarly no particular risk of inequality of opportunity to engage in the YIAD has been identified for the protected characterists of faith or gender. There are close links between race and faith and any activity undertaken with BEMIS Scotland to contribute to the YIAD will also have the potential to boost faith aspects.

Building on earlier activity around Homecoming Scotland 2014 and the 2015 Year of Food and Drink, the YIAD provides excellent opportunities to engage younger people.


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