
Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029: equality impact assessment (EQIA)

How Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029 may impact on equality, including socio-economic disadvantage. This report includes Fairer Scotland Duty.

Section 1: Details of the policy/practice/project

Department/Team responsible:

Forestry Commission Scotland / Forestry Strategy Team

Name of Policy, Practice or Project being assessed:

Scotland's Forestry Strategy

Purpose and anticipated outcomes:


a) Promote the internationally recognised principles of Sustainable Forest Management.

b) Provide a 50 year vision and priorities to 2029.

c) Support the delivery of the Scottish Government's purpose and national outcomes.

d) Outline priorities for action by the public and private sectors, in both rural and urban areas.

e) Support the sustainable management, expansion and protection of Scotland's forests and woodlands.

f) Meet the requirements of the Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act (FLM(S)A) 2018.

Is this a new or existing policy, practice or project?

New √

List of participants in Equality Impact Assessment Process:

Amy Noble
Amy Nicolson
Bob Frost

Date assessment started:


Completion Date:


Please indicate who is likely to be affected:

For example: Employees, visitors, contractors, women, men, young people, older people, people with disabilities etc.

The entire forestry sector, rural land management businesses and landowners, as well as wider society in general, particularly in rural areas but also in urban. There will be specific policies targeted at benefitting children and young people.


Email: Bob Frost

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