
Early learning and childcare expansion - learning and wellbeing project: EQIA

Potential impacts of early learning and childcare expansion policy on the outcomes of children with protected characteristics.

About This Policy

Title of Policy

Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare – Learning and Wellbeing Project

Summary of aims and desired outcomes of policy

The Scottish Government and local authorities have committed to almost doubling the funded entitlement to early learning and childcare (ELC) from 600 hours to 1140 hours from August 2020 for all 3 and 4 year olds and eligible 2 year olds. This will be high quality, flexible early learning and childcare that is accessible and affordable for all families.

The expansion will deliver three main benefits for children and families:

1. children's development improves and the poverty related attainment gap narrows.

2. more parents will have the opportunity to be in work, training or study; and,

3. increased family resilience through improved health and wellbeing of parents and children.


Early Learning and Childcare Programme Directorate

Division: Team

Quality: Learning and Wellbeing



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