
Free school meals: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment on a policy change of free school meals in primaries 6 and 7 changing from universal availability to availability for families in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment.


The Scottish Government has a long history of ensuring provision of food to children and young people.

The current free school meal programme has been expanded using a phased approach. Currently, universal free school meals are available during school term-time for all 280,723 children in primaries 1 to 5 and special schools, as well as 81,606 eligible pupils in primary 6 to secondary 6. This was delivered through the following phasing:

  • Phase 1 - Universal FSM has been available to P1 to P3 pupils since 2015.
  • Phase 2 - Universal FSM has been available to P4 pupils since August 2021.
  • Phase 3 - Universal FSM has been available to P5 and special schools since January 2022.

We are currently working with local authorities on delivery of Phase 4 to those in receipt of Scottish Child Payment in primaries 6 and 7. The final stage would have been to deliver universal provision to primaries 6 and 7.

Free school meals are one of a range of strategies which support children and young people to overcome barriers to their learning. They are nested in legislation alongside provisions to support provision of clothing in recognition of the need to support young people's welfare. The provision of free school meals also supports the provision of healthy, nutritious food and establishment of healthy habits within young people, particularly in the primary sector. There is also evidence that, where children and young people eat outside school, the nutritional value of the food they are eating is significantly lower than in school. Anecdotal evidence from families and schools consistently suggests that, over time, children and young people who eat in school become more willing to eat foods they would previously have refused.

This provision has been made to families, traditionally, who met certain eligibility criteria. Over time the eligibility criteria for provision of free school meals has gradually expanded to recognise families who experience low income and those in particular circumstances, for example those seeking asylum, who may not have ready access to income or may experience low income.

During the 2023-24 budget statement, the Scottish Government announced that the next phase of expansion will be to primary 6 and primary 7 pupils in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment (referred to as Phase 4, and benefiting c.26,000 children).

Thie final phase of the national commitment to universal free school meals for primary 6 and 7 pupils (phase 5) has not yet begun, and would have provided meals to around 74,000 additional children across Scotland. It would have been open to all and therefore remove any barriers to accessing nutritious food during the school day no matter what the child's circumstances may be.

This policy contributes to the following National Outcomes:

  • "We grow up loved, safe and respected so that we realise our full potential."
  • "We are well educated, skilled and able to contribute to society."
  • "We respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination."
  • "We tackle poverty by sharing opportunities, wealth and power more equally."
  • "We value, enjoy protect and enhance our environment."



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