
Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel) (Scotland) Regulations 2020: Equality Impact Assessment

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) for the Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel) (Scotland) Regulations 2020. These regulations have been introduced as a public health response to coronavirus.

Pregnancy and Maternity

The NHS Inform website states that people who are pregnant do not appear to be more susceptible to coronavirus than the general population, although are generally more susceptible to infection generally. If a pregnant woman contracts coronavirus during their pregnancy it is likely that they will not be more seriously unwell than other healthy adults, and that they will experience only mild or moderate cold/flu-like symptoms [79]. However, pregnant women are listed in the group of people who are at higher risk of developing severe illness with coronavirus[80].

To assist in the mitigation of any negative effects and to eliminate discrimination, one of the groups the Scottish Government’s national helpline is specifically designed for is those are pregnant, while Ready Scotland’s additional support page[81] also provides links to health guidance for pregnant women and maternity professionals looking after them.

Summary: Existing guidance and support measures in place, and the national helpline, may help to eliminate discrimination and promote equality of opportunity, to assist pregnant women who may need extra help. The national helpline may also help foster good relations, as helpline staff may have the opportunity to understand more about the difficulties faced by pregnant women.



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