
Physical intervention in schools: equality impact assessment

The results of the equality impact assessment for Included, engaged and involved part 3: a relationships and rights-based approach to physical intervention in schools.

Recommendations and Conclusion

This impact assessment highlighted a risk of discriminatory practice in the use of restraint and seclusion on disabled children and young people, particularly where restraint or seclusion was used in response to distressed behaviour arising from a child or young person’s disability. Guidance is offered on this risk as a result.

Some evidence indicated a high prevalence of restrictive practices beginning with younger, primary school aged, children. Guidance is offered on minimising restraint and seclusion in all schools, including primary schools settings.

The evidence considered also suggests the use of restraint is more prevalent on male pupils. Again, guidance is offered on minimising restraint and seclusion for all children and young people.

The EQIA has helped to highlight areas of concern in relation to the prevalence of behaviour that carries a risk of injury and advice on how to reduce these risks has been included within the guidance.

The Scottish Government has agreed to review the impact of the guidance 1 year after publication. This review will be led by the Scottish Government with relevant partners.



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