Equality Impact Assessment – Reopening Of The Independent Living Fund (ILF)

The Equality Impact Assessment for the reopening of the Independent Living Fund (ILF) sets out the policy and its impacts.


Policy Aim

Within the Programme for Government 2023-2024, the First Minister committed an investment of £9 million to reopen the Independent Living Fund to enable up to 1,000 disabled people in Scotland with high support needs who face the greatest barriers to independent living to access the support they need to lead independent lives.

This funding will enable these individuals to purchase care so that they can be better supported in their homes and within their local communities.

Research has shown that ILF funding contributes to fewer admissions into residential care, reductions in crisis interventions and delivers enhanced capacity within Health and Social Care.

The policy contributes to the following national outcomes:

Health: We are healthy and active

Human Rights: We respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination

Who will it affect?

The policy will provide funding for up to 1,000 disabled people in Scotland with high support needs in the first year, from the age of 16 upwards. Ministers’ intention is that the Fund will remain open in future years, continuing to admit new people. It will support individuals who have complex disabilities to live independently in Scotland by providing additional funding for recipients to purchase care and support over and above that provided by Local Authorities, helping them to live where and how they wish, and giving them more choice and control over their lives.

What might prevent the desired outcomes being achieved?

Any potential future funding limitations would have an impact on the outcomes of this policy.

Data in this area is lacking - the benefits of the policy will be maximised if we are able to identify disabled people who have significant unmet independent living needs which could be met through an award. Difficulties targeting those who would benefit the most could compromise the outcomes of the policy.


Email: steven.hanlon@gov.scot

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