
Best Start Grant: equality impact assessment

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) considers potential effects of Early Years Assistance (Best Start Grants) (Scotland) Regulations 2018 and how it impacts on people with one or more protected characteristics.


80. The EQIA process has identified that the BSG has potential to have positive impacts for those who share protected characteristics.

81. We understand groups who share protected characteristics may face difficulties in accessing or understanding their entitlements due to language or other communication barriers. We will ensure information and advice on BSG is as accessible as possible and reaches the full range of people who could benefit from this support, through services used by parents, and in a range of formats.

82. We will ensure there is clear guidance for both decision makers and applications, and for effective promotion of the BSG at all stages to maximise uptake. Widespread training and awareness raising of the BSG will also be required among partner agencies and advice and advocacy services to ensure that appropriate signposting is provided, and that applicants can access the necessary information and be suitably supported throughout the process.


Email: Alison Melville 

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