Social work - Practice Learning Support Grant: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment relating to the introduction of the Practice Learning Support Grant for eligible social work students with practice learning placements in-year. It assesses the impact of the proposed grant for groups with protected characteristics.

Desired outcomes of the Practice Learning Support Grant

Benefits for the sector of a flat-rate grant for placement support with streamlined disbursement, via SSSC, include:

  • improved consistency and transparency of the distribution of financial practice learning support provided by the Scottish Government
  • reduced uncertainty in financial planning for universities and students
  • reduced administrative burden for officials, universities and students

Benefits for recipients of the grant include:

  • increased grant award
  • flexibility to use the grant for any costs related to undertaking their placement (rather than restricted to travel only)
  • removal of the administrative burden of claiming expenses from their university

The targets against which progress to be monitored are:

  • all eligible students are made aware of the option to apply for the PLSG
  • PLSG grant payments are processed to the eligible student's bank account within 15 days of receipt of the relevant verification
  • university practice learning contacts, practice learning providers and eligible students are surveyed on their experience of the PLSG grant process and their perception of the effectiveness of the grant value



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