Scottish Attainment Challenge - 2018-2022: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the Scottish Attainment Challenge - 2018 to 2022.

Key findings – impact

The EQIA process did not identify any indirect, direct or unlawful discrimination arising through the policy intention, design or activity being implemented as part of the Attainment Challenge. The Attainment Challenge is intended to be inclusive. Targeting resources, through the ASF, to children and young people living in poverty is intended to have a significant positive impact on lives of children and young people affected by poverty, including those in the protected characteristics.

The Attainment Challenge may advance equality of opportunity by providing training and resources for schools and teachers suitable to addressing the needs of children in equalities groups and helping to address the poverty related attainment gap. The enhanced professional development and leadership opportunities, better use of data to drive improvements and the increased level of collaboration both within schools and with external partners is having impacts beyond the immediate target group of children affected by poverty and have the potential to significantly improve educational outcomes for all children and young people.

The Attainment Challenge is promoting good community relationships. It encourages professionals working with children and young people to maintain a clear line of communication with the families of children and young people who will benefit from the resources or activities delivered through the Attainment Challenge, and the children and young people themselves.

There is also evidence emerging from recent Attainment Challenge activity to demonstrate that reasonable adjustments are being made to support children and young people with protected characteristics. For example, investment in speech and language development, additional support for speakers of English as an Additional Language, and/or fund Educational Psychologists, counsellors and nurture bases.



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