Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment - SG response: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment relating to the Scottish Government response to the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment. It assesses the impact of the proposed changes to qualifications and assessment for groups with protected characteristics.

EQIA recommendations and Conclusions

The policy proposals set out in the final report of the IRQA, and the proposals set out in the Scottish Government response to the IRQA are understandably at a relatively high level at this stage. Our initial assessment of impact is therefore based on predicted or potential impact. However, our initial assessment is that the changes set out in the Scottish Government response will support equality goals.

Key to this conclusion is our commitment to continuing to engage with equality groups throughout the policy development process to ensure that the suite of policies fully capitalise on all opportunities to advance equality for all groups.

With regard to the intention to introduce a leaving certificate; at this stage we conclude that the potential impact will depend on decisions taken around the content of the certificate and how to operationalise it. However, the policy intention is to improve the Senior Phase experience for all learners and allow all learners to demonstrate the breadth and depth of their learning. We therefore anticipate positive impacts for all learners including those with protected characteristics. Again, key to ensuring that this is realised, will be close engagement with a range of equalities organisations and young people themselves.

With regard to the decision to diversify assessment methods we have identified concerns about the potential for teacher bias. Concern from stakeholders was strongest in respect to a system based only on teacher-based assessment. Most stakeholders felt that some form of external assessment was needed in addition to strong mitigation measures against teacher bias and this is the approach which we are taking.

We will ensure that care is taken in the design and implementation of changes to assessment methods to include a robust consideration of ways to minimise the possibility of teacher bias. This will include investigation and implementation of appropriate mitigating actions including moderation processes, supported collaboration between teachers and high-quality professional learning.

This EQIA will continue to be updated throughout the policy development process and our assessment of potential impact will be updated accordingly. Engagement with equalities stakeholders will continue throughout the policy development process.



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