Transforming Roles paper 6: role of the general practice nurse – 2024: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment results document for Transforming Roles Paper 6: Role of the General Practice Nurse - 2024.

The Scope of the EQIA

All protected characteristics and three PSED needs were considered as part of the EQIA. The scoping exercise found that only one protected characteristic had associated data for the GPN workforce (age). This is not in line with wider NHS Scotland workforce data. However, it should be noted that data available for NHS Scotland on the protected characteristics of disability, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief cannot be broken down by profession i.e. nursing.

The data available was collected via the General Practice Workforce Survey. The data from the survey is published annually by NES.

As part of our stakeholder engagement process for developing the policy, we have engaged with a wide range of stakeholders who represent several of the protected characteristics.



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