Transforming Roles paper 6: role of the general practice nurse – 2024: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment results document for Transforming Roles Paper 6: Role of the General Practice Nurse - 2024.

Key Findings

The key evidence we have is data on the age of the GPN workforce. The policy paper is broad in scope and generic, therefore not directly or indirectly impacting upon any protected characteristics of the GPN workforce. Therefore all impacts were found to be neutral. There was one concern where male GPNs may feel discriminated against, should a female patient wish to see a GPN of the same sex for care. However, this is justifiable given the essential nature of the GPN role in women’s health and employers must consider accessibility of services, including the ability for patients to request to see or be treated by a healthcare professional of the same sex.

General practices must consider the accessibility of general medical services provision to ensure they are open and available to all. Access principles are in place to support practices and ensure that access to general practice is inclusive and equitable for all people, based on the principles of Realistic Medicine and Value Based Health & Care.

There is no impact on human rights. There are gaps and limitations in workforce data on protected characteristics, as with wider NHS Scotland Workforce Data, which is outwith the scope and remit of the General Practice Policy Division. This was addressed by noting the fact that we regularly review what data is required from our stakeholders regarding the entire general practice workforce, including GPNs.



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