
Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report 2015

Update on Scottish Government's aims to incorporate equality across its activities and deliver on equality outcomes set in April 2013.

Annex C - Scottish Government, Agencies and Other Bodies - New and promoted staff diversity data

The tables in this Annex show the diversity statistics for Scottish Government employees who were recruited or promoted in the period 1 February 2014 to 31 December 2014.

Note that due to the change in the reporting timetable the latest figures are for an 11-month period.


Along with the core Scottish Government, the statistics in this annex include the following public bodies: Accountant in Bankruptcy, Advocate General for Scotland, British Irish Council, Courts Tribunals, Court of Lord Lyon, Crofting Commission, Disclosure Scotland, Edinburgh Tram Inquiry, Education Scotland, HMI Constabulary, HMI Prisons, Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland, Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland, Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland, Mental Welfare Commission, National Records of Scotland, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, Office of the Scottish Road Works Commissioner, Parole Board, Police Investigations & Review Commissioner, Risk Management Authority, Scotland Office, Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission, Scottish Housing Regulator, Scottish Law Commission, Scottish Public Pensions Agency, Student Awards Agency for Scotland, Transport Scotland.

New recruits

Employees in the following categories are reported:

Permanent staff; fixed-term appointments; inward loans; modern apprenticeships; and paid student placements. In the tables, the non-permanent categories are grouped and shown as 'others'.


The promotions reported here relate predominantly to permanent staff. A small number of fixed-term appointments were promoted but the figures are too small to be shown separately without encountering data disclosure issues.

Disclosure control

To avoid the possible disclosure of information about individual members of staff, data suppression has been applied to counts of less than 5 (and the corresponding percentage value). In some cases, secondary data suppression has been necessary to prevent the calculation of suppressed values by differencing. Suppressed values are shown as an asterisk (*). Where possible, data suppression has been avoided by grouping categories in some manner. Where the only small counts in a table refer to the 'prefer not to say' category, no data suppression is done. Where data suppression has been applied in any table an explanatory note is provided.


The tables show the diversity data for staff who were recruited or promoted in the period 1 February 2014 to 31 December 2014 (an 11-month period), along with summary data for two earlier 12-month periods to give trend information. The latest recruitment data is broken down into 'permanent' and 'other' staff.

The previous version of the publication reported on the data for the period 1 February 2012 to 31 January 2013. These tables were updated (but not published at the time) with data for the period 1 February 2013 to 31 January 2014. The summary data for these two periods are included in the tables. It is intended that future publications of this report will use data as at 31 December each year and will revert to a 12-month period in future editions of this report.

The tables contain staff headcounts and row percentages - that is, the percentage of the total number of new recruits or promotions in each category (for example, in each of the age groups 16-29, 30-39, and so on). The sum of the percentages in each row will be 100%.

Data source

The tables in this workbook were compiled from data held on the Scottish Government HR system. Information on the protected characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability status, marital/civil partnership status, and religion or belief) is provided by the employee on a voluntary basis. For some protected characteristics (for example, age and gender) the information held is complete or very nearly complete, while the information held for other characteristics is less well populated.

Table C1: Recruitment & promotions by age group

  Counts and row percentages
    Age Group Total
16-29 30-39 40-49 50-54 55-59 60+
New recruits
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All recruits 312 49.2% 153 24.1% 91 14.4% 42 6.6% 23 3.6% 13 2.1% 634
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All recruits 363 42.4% 211 24.6% 152 17.8% 70 8.2% 39 4.6% 21 2.5% 856
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All recruits 406 48.2% 196 23.3% 116 13.8% 69 8.2% 38 4.5% 18 2.1% 843
Permanent 87 27.8% 108 34.5% 68 21.7% 35 11.2% 12 3.8% 3 1.0% 313
Other 319 60.2% 88 16.6% 48 9.1% 34 6.4% 26 4.9% 15 2.8% 530
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All promotions 132 19.1% 283 41.0% 174 25.2% 61 8.8% 31 4.5% 10 1.4% 691
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All promotions 123 17.9% 291 42.4% 187 27.3% 57 8.3% * * * * 686
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All promotions 99 17.6% 207 36.9% 162 28.9% 62 11.1% 23 4.1% 8 1.4% 561

Counts of less than 5 have been suppressed and shown as * to prevent the possible disclosure of information about individuals.
Secondary data suppression has also been necessary to prevent the calculation of the suppressed values by differencing (also shown as *).
** Note that due to the change in the reporting timetable the latest results refer to an 11-month period.

Table C2: Recruitment & promotions by gender

  Counts and row percentages
    Gender Total
Female Male
New recruits
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All recruits 303 47.8% 331 52.2% 634
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All recruits 433 50.6% 423 49.4% 856
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All recruits 396 47.0% 447 53.0% 843
Permanent 163 52.1% 150 47.9% 313
Other 233 44.0% 297 56.0% 530
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All promotions 388 56.2% 303 43.8% 691
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All promotions 410 59.8% 276 40.2% 686
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All promotions 297 52.9% 264 47.1% 561

** Note that due to the change in the reporting timetable the latest results refer to an 11-month period.

Table C3: Recruitment & promotions by ethnic group

  Counts and row percentages
    Ethnic Group Total
Ethnic minority White Prefer not to say Not known
New recruits
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All recruits 12 1.9% 214 33.8% 3 0.5% 405 63.9% 634
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All recruits 12 1.4% 348 40.7% 3 0.4% 493 57.6% 856
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All recruits 5 0.6% 271 32.1% 2 0.2% 566 67.1% 843
Permanent * * 177 56.5% * * 132 42.2% 313
Other * * 94 17.7% * * 434 81.9% 530
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All promotions 11 1.6% 536 77.6% 9 1.3% 135 19.5% 691
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All promotions 18 2.6% 549 80.0% 10 1.5% 109 15.9% 686
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All promotions 17 3.0% 457 81.5% 7 1.2% 80 14.3% 561

Counts of less than 5 have been suppressed and shown as * to prevent the possible disclosure of information about individuals.
Secondary data suppression has also been necessary to prevent the calculation of the suppressed values by differencing (also shown as *).
** Note that due to the change in the reporting timetable the latest results refer to an 11-month period.

Table C4: Recruitment & promotions by disability status

  Counts and row percentages
    Disability Status Total
Disabled Not disabled Prefer not to say Not known
New recruits
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All recruits 12 1.9% 64 10.1% 1 0.2% 557 87.9% 634
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All recruits 20 2.3% 114 13.3% 1 0.1% 721 84.2% 856
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All recruits 25 3.0% 89 10.6% 0 0.0% 729 86.5% 843
Permanent 16 5.1% 50 16.0% 0 0.0% 247 78.9% 313
Other 9 1.7% 39 7.4% 0 0.0% 482 90.9% 530
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All promotions 23 3.3% 388 56.2% 5 0.7% 275 39.8% 691
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All promotions 36 5.2% 384 56.0% 5 0.7% 261 38.0% 686
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All promotions 33 5.9% 294 52.4% 6 1.1% 228 40.6% 561

** Note that due to the change in the reporting timetable the latest results refer to an 11-month period.

Table C5: Recruitment & promotions by sexual orientation

  Counts and row percentages
    Sexual Orientation Total
Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and other Heterosexual/ straight Prefer not to say Not known
New recruits
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All recruits * * 48 7.6% * * 584 92.1% 634
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All recruits 12 1.4% 335 39.1% 14 1.6% 495 57.8% 856
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All recruits 8 0.9% 259 30.7% 21 2.5% 555 65.8% 843
Permanent * * 180 57.5% * * 118 37.7% 313
Other * * 79 14.9% * * 437 82.5% 530
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All promotions 8 1.2% 222 32.1% 14 2.0% 447 64.7% 691
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All promotions 23 3.4% 522 76.1% 23 3.4% 118 17.2% 686
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All promotions 13 2.3% 342 61.0% 16 2.9% 190 33.9% 561

Counts of less than 5 have been suppressed and shown as * to prevent the possible disclosure of information about individuals.
Secondary data suppression has also been necessary to prevent the calculation of the suppressed values by differencing (also shown as *).
** Note that due to the change in the reporting timetable the latest results refer to an 11-month period.

Table C6: Recruitment & promotions by religion/belief

  Counts and row percentages
    Religion or Belief Total
Christian Other religion or belief No religion or belief Prefer not to say Not known
New recruits
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All recruits 20 3.2% * * 29 4.6% * * 584 92.1% 634
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All recruits 144 16.8% 14 1.6% 181 21.1% 20 2.3% 497 58.1% 856
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All recruits 84 10.0% 29 3.4% 139 16.5% 18 2.1% 573 68.0% 843
Permanent 56 17.9% 18 5.8% 95 30.4% 10 3.2% 134 42.8% 313
Other 28 5.3% 11 2.1% 44 8.3% 8 1.5% 439 82.8% 530
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All promotions 97 14.0% 7 1.0% 127 18.4% 13 1.9% 447 64.7% 691
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All promotions 224 32.7% 13 1.9% 292 42.6% 31 4.5% 126 18.4% 686
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All promotions 106 18.9% 37 6.6% 204 36.4% 23 4.1% 191 34.0% 561

Counts of less than 5 have been suppressed and shown as * to prevent the possible disclosure of information about individuals.
Secondary data suppression has also been necessary to prevent the calculation of the suppressed values by differencing (also shown as *).
** Note that due to the change in the reporting timetable the latest results refer to an 11-month period.

Table C7: Recruitment & promotions by marital/civil partnership status

  Counts and row percentages
    Marital/Civil partnership status Total
Married Single Other status Prefer not to say Not known
New recruits
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All recruits 72 11.4% 93 14.7% 17 2.7% 50 7.9% 402 63.4% 634
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All recruits 95 11.1% 79 9.2% 16 1.9% 59 6.9% 607 70.9% 856
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All recruits 73 8.7% 61 7.2% 13 1.5% 56 6.6% 640 75.9% 843
Permanent 45 14.4% 20 6.4% * * * * 231 73.8% 313
Other 28 5.3% 41 7.7% * * * * 409 77.2% 530
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All promotions 299 43.3% 124 17.9% 65 9.4% 72 10.4% 131 19.0% 691
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All promotions 272 39.7% 130 19.0% 68 9.9% 66 9.6% 150 21.9% 686
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All promotions 227 40.5% 109 19.4% 54 9.6% 33 5.9% 138 24.6% 561

Counts of less than 5 have been suppressed and shown as * to prevent the possible disclosure of information about individuals.
Secondary data suppression has also been necessary to prevent the calculation of the suppressed values by differencing (also shown as *).
The following have been grouped into the ‘Other status’ category: civil partnership, divorced, domestic partner, legally separated, living together, separated, and widowed.
** Note that due to the change in the reporting timetable the latest results refer to an 11-month period.

Table C8: Recruitment & promotions by work pattern

  Counts and row percentages
    Work pattern Total
Full-time Part-time
New recruits
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All recruits 584 92.1% 50 7.9% 634
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All recruits 804 93.9% 52 6.1% 856
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All recruits 786 93.2% 57 6.8% 843
Permanent 286 91.4% 27 8.6% 313
Other 500 94.3% 30 5.7% 530
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All promotions 613 88.7% 78 11.3% 691
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All promotions 608 88.6% 78 11.4% 686
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All promotions 501 89.3% 60 10.7% 561

** Note that due to the change in the reporting timetable the latest results refer to an 11-month period.

Table C9: Recruitment & promotions by pay band

  Counts and row percentages
    Pay band Total
Band A Band B Band C Senior Civil Service Others
New recruits
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All recruits 258 40.7% 242 38.2% 31 4.9% 8 1.3% 95 15.0% 634
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All recruits 279 32.6% 351 41.0% 87 10.2% 10 1.2% 129 15.1% 856
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All recruits 309 36.7% 324 38.4% 87 10.3% * * * * 843
Permanent 68 21.7% 172 55.0% 60 19.2% * * * * 313
Other 241 45.5% 152 28.7% 27 5.1% * * * * 530
Feb-12 to Jan-13 All promotions 115 16.6% 428 61.9% 134 19.4% * * * * 691
Feb-13 to Jan-14 All promotions 112 16.3% 410 59.8% 137 20.0% * * * * 686
Feb-14 to Dec-14** All promotions 67 11.9% 375 66.8% 114 20.3% 5 0.9% 0 0.0% 561

Counts of less than 5 have been suppressed and shown as * to prevent the possible disclosure of information about individuals.
Secondary data suppression has also been necessary to prevent the calculation of the suppressed values by differencing (also shown as *).
** Note that due to the change in the reporting timetable the latest results refer to an 11-month period.


Email: Mainstreaming Equality Team,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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