
Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report 2015

Update on Scottish Government's aims to incorporate equality across its activities and deliver on equality outcomes set in April 2013.

Annex E - Scottish Government, Agencies and Other Bodies - Staff appraisal markings

The tables in this Annex show the performance appraisal markings broken down by diversity characteristics for Scottish Government staff who were due an appraisal for the period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014.


Along with the core Scottish Government, the statistics in this annex include the following public bodies: Accountant in Bankruptcy, Advocate General for Scotland, British Irish Council, Courts Tribunals, Court of Lord Lyon, Crofting Commission, Disclosure Scotland, Education Scotland, HMI Constabulary, HMI Prisons, Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland, Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland, Mental Welfare Commission, National Records of Scotland, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, Office of the Scottish Road Works Commissioner, Parole Board, Police Investigations & Review Commissioner, Risk Management Authority, Scotland Office, Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission, Scottish Housing Regulator, Scottish Law Commission, Scottish Public Pensions Agency, Student Awards Agency for Scotland, Transport Scotland.

Appraisal markings

For the purposes of this report, the markings have been grouped into the following four categories:

  • Exceptional
  • Highly effective
  • Effective and below - markings of 'effective', 'partly effective', and 'not effective'
  • No marking - staff who were due an appraisal but have had no marking recorded on the HR system.

There were 16 members of staff who achieved a below effective performance marking in 2013-14. This number is too small to allow breakdowns by most protected characteristics. Below effective markings have therefore been grouped with 'effective' in this report.

Disclosure control

To avoid the possible disclosure of information about individual members of staff, data suppression has been applied to counts of less than 5 (and the corresponding percentage value). In some cases, secondary data suppression has been necessary to prevent the calculation of suppressed values by differencing. Suppressed values are shown as an asterisk (*). Where possible, data suppression has been avoided by grouping categories in some manner. Where the only small counts in a table refer to the 'prefer not to say' category, no data suppression is done. Where data suppression has been applied in any table an explanatory note is provided.

Data source

The tables in this workbook were compiled from data held on the Scottish Government HR system. Information on the protected characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability status, marital/civil partnership status, and religion or belief) is provided by the employee on a voluntary basis. For some protected characteristics (for example, age and gender) the information held is complete or very nearly complete, while the information held for other characteristics is less well populated.

Table E1: Appraisal markings 2013-14 by gender

Counts and row percentages
  Exceptional Highly Effective Effective and below No Marking Total
Female 160 4.6% 1473 41.9% 1504 42.8% 378 10.8% 3515
Male 128 3.9% 1343 40.5% 1507 45.5% 334 10.1% 3312
All 288 4.2% 2816 41.2% 3011 44.1% 712 10.4% 6827

Table E2: Appraisal markings 2013-14 by age

Counts and row percentages
  Exceptional Highly Effective Effective and below No Marking Total
16-29 23 3.6% 217 33.7% 350 54.3% 54 8.4% 644
30-39 86 4.6% 800 42.6% 803 42.8% 189 10.1% 1878
40-49 106 4.9% 975 45.5% 847 39.5% 217 10.1% 2145
50-54 40 3.9% 417 40.2% 472 45.5% 108 10.4% 1037
55-59 25 3.4% 290 39.1% 329 44.4% 97 13.1% 741
60+ 8 2.1% 117 30.6% 210 55.0% 47 12.3% 382
All 288 4.2% 2816 41.2% 3011 44.1% 712 10.4% 6827

Table E3: Appraisal markings 2013-14 by disability

Counts and row percentages
  Exceptional Highly Effective Effective and below No Marking Total
Disabled 10 3.3% 103 34.2% 169 56.1% 19 6.3% 301
Not disabled 194 4.9% 1747 44.2% 1634 41.3% 378 9.6% 3953
Prefer not to say 1 2.6% 15 39.5% 17 44.7% 5 13.2% 38
Not known 83 3.3% 951 37.5% 1191 47.0% 310 12.2% 2535
All 288 4.2% 2816 41.2% 3011 44.1% 712 10.4% 6827

No disclosure control has been applied to this table because the only small numbers are in the 'Prefer not to say' row.

Table E4: Appraisal markings 2013-14 by ethnic group

Counts and row percentages
  Exceptional Highly Effective Effective and below No Marking Total
Ethnic minority * * 35 32.7% 59 55.1% * * 107
White 252 4.7% 2267 42.6% 2297 43.2% 504 9.5% 5320
Prefer not to say * * 45 43.3% 45 43.3% * * 104
Not known 31 2.4% 469 36.2% 610 47.1% 186 14.4% 1296
All 288 4.2% 2816 41.2% 3011 44.1% 712 10.4% 6827

Counts of less than 5 have been suppressed and shown as * to prevent the possible disclosure of information about individuals.
Secondary data suppression has also been necessary to prevent the calculation of the suppressed values by differencing (also shown as *).

Table E5: Appraisal markings 2013-14 by marital/civil partnership status

Counts and row percentages
  Exceptional Highly Effective Effective and below No Marking Total
Civil Partnership * * 17 40.5% * * * * 42
Divorced 9 3.9% 78 34.1% 118 51.5% 24 10.5% 229
Domestic Partner 5 5.3% 45 47.9% 35 37.2% 9 9.6% 94
Legally Separated * * 6 50.0% * * * * 12
Living Together 8 6.4% 49 39.2% 58 46.4% 10 8.0% 125
Married 144 4.6% 1409 44.8% 1289 41.0% 302 9.6% 3144
Not Known 55 3.6% 564 37.4% 697 46.2% 193 12.8% 1509
Prefer not to say 11 3.0% 139 38.0% 171 46.7% 45 12.3% 366
Separated * * 20 28.6% 39 55.7% * * 70
Single 48 4.0% 472 39.8% 557 46.9% 110 9.3% 1187
Widowed * * 17 34.7% 23 46.9% * * 49
All 288 4.2% 2816 41.2% 3011 44.1% 712 10.4% 6827

Counts of less than 5 have been suppressed and shown as * to prevent the possible disclosure of information about individuals.
Secondary data suppression has also been necessary to prevent the calculation of the suppressed values by differencing (also shown as *).

Table E6: Appraisal markings 2013-14 by sexual orientation

Counts and row percentages
  Exceptional Highly Effective Effective and below No Marking Total
Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and other 6 4.7% 53 41.7% 59 46.5% 9 7.1% 127
Heterosexual/straight 125 4.5% 1149 41.1% 1293 46.3% 226 8.1% 2793
Prefer not to say 12 6.7% 70 38.9% 80 44.4% 18 10.0% 180
Not known 145 3.9% 1544 41.4% 1579 42.4% 459 12.3% 3727
All 288 4.2% 2816 41.2% 3011 44.1% 712 10.4% 6827

Table E7: Appraisal markings 2013-14 by religion or belief

Counts and row percentages
  Exceptional Highly Effective Effective and below No Marking Total
Christian 55 4.4% 503 40.0% 605 48.1% 94 7.5% 1257
Other religion or belief * * 41 30.8% 76 57.1% * * 133
No religion or belief 64 4.3% 637 42.8% 652 43.8% 135 9.1% 1488
Prefer not to say * * 78 38.4% 93 45.8% * * 203
Not known 149 4.0% 1557 41.6% 1585 42.3% 455 12.1% 3746
All 288 4.2% 2816 41.2% 3011 44.1% 712 10.4% 6827

Counts of less than 5 have been suppressed and shown as * to prevent the possible disclosure of information about individuals.
Secondary data suppression has also been necessary to prevent the calculation of the suppressed values by differencing (also shown as *).

Table E8: Appraisal markings 2013-14 by work pattern

Counts and row percentages
  Exceptional Highly Effective Effective and below No Marking Total
Full-time 244 4.3% 2380 41.6% 2509 43.8% 590 10.3% 5723
Part-time 44 4.0% 436 39.5% 502 45.5% 122 11.1% 1104
All 288 4.2% 2816 41.2% 3011 44.1% 712 10.4% 6827

Table E9: Appraisal markings 2013-14 by pay band

Counts and row percentages
  Exceptional Highly Effective Effective and below No Marking Total
Band A * * 548 31.1% 1005 57.0% * * 1762
Band B 137 3.8% 1517 42.6% 1591 44.7% 316 8.9% 3561
Band C 102 8.2% 671 53.9% 320 25.7% 151 12.1% 1244
Other * * 80 30.8% 95 36.5% * * 260
All 288 4.2% 2816 41.2% 3011 44.1% 712 10.4% 6827

Counts of less than 5 have been suppressed and shown as * to prevent the possible disclosure of information about individuals.
Secondary data suppression has also been necessary to prevent the calculation of the suppressed values by differencing (also shown as *).

Table E10: Appraisal markings summary 2011-12 to 2013-14

  Counts and row percentages
  Exceptional Highly Effective Effective and below No Marking Total
2011-12 354 5.20% 2930 42.70% 3049 44.40% 533 7.80% 6866
2012-13 349 5.30% 2917 44.10% 2981 45.00% 375 5.70% 6622
2013-14 288 4.20% 2816 41.20% 3011 44.10% 712 10.40% 6827


Email: Mainstreaming Equality Team,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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